Anyone have the GRE amp? Just wondering before i buy i would like some kind of review on it from folks that already have it, was thinking of the JIM amp as well, but wondering if this would be the same of course minus the filters in the JIM. I do have strong paging crud here, I do have a PAR filter already for the 148-152MHZ, just wondering if this would make matters worse
GRE 20db Super Amplifier for Scanners | Scanners | Ratings & Reviews |
Scanners would be a 996xt and BC898T, outdoor discone up 50 feet with 30 feet of LMR-400 coax.
GRE 20db Super Amplifier for Scanners | Scanners | Ratings & Reviews |
Scanners would be a 996xt and BC898T, outdoor discone up 50 feet with 30 feet of LMR-400 coax.