To get (or renew) a normal plate (or speciality plate, for that matter) on your normally exempt vehicle, you simply fill out this form ( ) and give it to your local Texas tax office.
In Texas, not only government agencies qualify for exempt plates, but certain situations allow others to use them as well (privately owned ambulances, fire trucks, school buses for example).
There are forms for exempt plates for:
* Application for Exempt Registration for an Emergency Medical Services Vehicle - Use this form to apply for standard Texas exempt license plates if your organization is an emergency medical services (EMS) provider licensed by the Texas Board of Health to provide EMS. To qualify, your organization must be either nonprofit or created and operated by a municipality, county or combination thereof through a contract or joint agreement.
* Application for Exempt Registration of a Fire Fighting Vehicle Owned Privately or by a Volunteer Fire Department
* Application for Standard Texas Exempt License Plates - Standard Exempt license plates are issued to vehicles owned and used exclusively in the service of the U.S. Government, the State of Texas, or any county, city, or school district.
* Exempt Vehicle Affidavit Driver Education -
Use this form to verify that your vehicle is exempt from the payment of both prescribed motor vehicle registration fees (Transportation Code section 502.202) and certificate of title fees (Transportation Code section 501.004).
* Public School Transportation Services Verification - Use this form to verify that your vehicle, in accordance with Transportation Code section 502.202, is the property of a commercial transportation company and is used exclusively to provide public school transportation services to a school district under Education Code section 34.008.