For that price, not bad. Fine-tuning was a bit fiddly, especially as you get higher in frequency. The mechanics of the tuning knob(s) underneath are still driven by a string. Works. Underneath the rotary switches are actually slide-switches, and sometimes require a light touch. Loose knobs were a bummer.
That being said, it was fun for me knowing what to expect in a receiver of that price range.
Battery life is great with the D-cells, and optionally you can use the built-in AA compartment. Throw some high-quality / high capacity AA's in there and it takes a lot of weight out of the rig. Due to the great battery life, I ran without using the ac adapter, which can sometimes bring in a lot of junk from the ac lines.
It was a fun radio while I had it, and for SSB I even purchased the "universal BFO" kit from Ten-Tec. Never got around to trying the universal bfo before selling the radio, but that inexpensive kit might be something fun to play with on the 350dl.