GSP to 800 mhz?

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Jun 30, 2005
I received this email today and I was wondering if anyone has any info about what the GSP has planned.

"Today I happened to need to meet with a GSP official who informed me that the old VHF system is on the way out, possibly as early as next month, and an 800 or 900 Mhz system with superior coverage will go into may already be in effect in some parts of the state. I was told money was no longer an issue with upgrading the GSP radio system. Have you heard anything about these changes, and if we will still be able to monitor the GSP???? Not that we heard that much on GSP frequencies, but it is fun to listen anyway…. This GSP officer said a listing of new frequencies has been released – but I did not get too nosey or notice if it was 800 or 900 mhz."

Are they going to be using the GWEN system or something else? I am in the Southwest Ga area.


Getting tired of all the stupidity.
Sep 8, 2002
Somewhere between the Scylla and Charybdis
"Superior coverage"....pardon me while I laugh. Watt for watt, given equal antenna locations, VHF will FAR outperform 800 MHz.

But 800's better for the salesman because it means his wallet will be more thoroughly
and deeply covered by the victim's customer's money. More sites will be required
and those cost $$$$$$$$$$$.

I know of many VHF repeaters that cover areas equal to that of an average county, easily. But I know of very few 800 sites that the same can be said for.

UHF would be a better choice for Georgia, with VHF being better still. Optimal, I'd say.



EMS Dispatcher
Jul 8, 2002
Cobb County, GA
This is Georgia. First you have to pay the county commissioners, the mayors and all the other politicians off. After that, you can only put up towers on the family, friends or relatives of the aforementioned persons so they can get their cut. That will take about 1/2 of the funds. After that, you will have to have the cousin of the site planner to do a $10million study to make sure the effects won't endanger the spotted swamp owl. Lets not get started on the complaints from the "Don't Cut Down Our Trees" people who will force the tower manufacturers to make all the towers look like trees. By that time, one would be lucky to have enough money left over to buy 2 portables off of eBay!

Not being synical (sp), it's that, that is the way money is spent in Georgia. Don't believe it? Check out who all Marvelous Maynard Jackson gave all the ATL jobs to. And isn't that Shirley Franklin's ex-husband who has the most contract there? Northern Arc is another example. List goes on and on. Homeland grants? Federal Funding? New Orleans is a great example of that!
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