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Feb 28, 2011
Anyone else having fun trying to program hackrf and portapack ? What a pain in the azz, but its a great project, just wish I new more abt software and computers. Im a old school extra class ham, only reason I went to extra class was to be able to be licensed to give tests to those who wanted to become radio operators. Im more a mechanical person like modifying, repairing radios and building antennas w/ a great ground sys. . Anyways any help putting this into perspective would be cool, hackrfone itself works great especially w/ HDSDR. Just cant seem to marry the portapack to it. Using windows 10, but have GNU, I used the GNU cmd and typed in hackrf-info says found hackrf, but the cmd in Windows 10 says not found. I don't get the conflicting between them ? Anyone have any ideas would be appreciated.


Sep 18, 2003
Thank you for your supporting amateur radio! I was one of those novices back in the 80's.

Have you looked at these videos ?

By default, Windows 10 security requires all software to be downloaded from the Microsoft store before it can be installed, device drivers to be digitally signed by the manufacturer.

There are ways to bypass these requirements to complete installation these steps if you have administrative permissions on the windows 10 computer.

Check to see if the device driver for the SDR is properly installed by right clicking on the windows start button and select Device Manager.
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Feb 28, 2011
Tnk's I worked really hard to get to extra class so I could help ppl get licensed. That was back in the day when you really had to study and learn plus c.w. 20 wpm. Now I don't think they even require c.w. to be a radio operator. They only have 3 classes of operators now. You remember b-4 there was 5 classes. They were losing so many to computers back in the day, they did not realize at the time computers work hand in hand w/ radios, Also not to many had the money for both. I mean look at the SDR's they have put them together w/computers and you have a great radio for a lot less money just like a expensive 7,000 rigs, now for 100 or 200. Yes I watched all the utube video's on hackrf and portapack Il check out what you said abt micro soft, I will figure it out eventually, maybe w/ some help from some knowledgeable person that have been helping so many people new to scanners, When the new 800 digital scanners came out in 2011 I was almost first in line to get one, and there was a learning curve to that to and I received a lot of help, but the manual was written so you could understand it. Thanks for come back to my Question's on hrf1/ portapack. Joe


Sep 18, 2003
Agreed, amateur radio has changed - no c.w. required. I have switched to using SDR a couple of years ago - more options, capabilities and cheaper. I ordered a hackrf and portapack Il last night, expect delivery early next week.

There are 2 modes for running the windows command prompt - regular user and administrator. Right mouse click the command prompt icon and select run as administrator.

If windows 10 cannot see the hackrf, its probably a problem with the device driver. Check to see if the device driver for the SDR is properly installed by right clicking on the windows start button and select Device Manager. Expand the view and look for any devices with a yellow exclamation point icon next to them - this will show which device driver is having the issue. Google the error code to find ways to resolve. Most problems with device drivers can be fixed by disconnecting the device from the computer, uninstalling the driver completely. Then reinstalling the driver without the device being connected to the computer. This is best done with an account that has administrative rights to the computer.
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