They just announced that the rebanding has begun. All non-essential car-to-car traffic is to be done on MDTs or cell phones due to limited capacity. They are supposed to be finished rebanding at 06:00.
I am hearing the EDACS beeps now on some transmissions. Never had this happen before on my 396XT.
New LCN Order for Post Rebanding:
01 856.8125
02 857.8125
03 858.8125
04 859.8125
05 857.5125
06 852.1875
07 852.7750
08 853.0750
09 853.5500
10 853.8000
11 851.7625
12 852.3500
13 852.8000
14 853.3250
15 853.6625
It's almost acting like I am out of range. Have not had that problem before with the XT.
OK, guys and gals, I'm pulling my hair out. I'm trying to program a Pro-97 and just not having any luck.
I read that since this is an EDACS system, this radio will still work on the new system.
I've been following the easier-to-read manual step by step, and used the LCN order a couple of posts above me.
But it still locks up on the control channel....with the audio coming through. It's not scanning it as a trunked system. Any help would be much appreciated!
OK, guys and gals, I'm pulling my hair out. I'm trying to program a Pro-97 and just not having any luck.
I read that since this is an EDACS system, this radio will still work on the new system.
I've been following the easier-to-read manual step by step, and used the LCN order a couple of posts above me.
But it still locks up on the control channel....with the audio coming through. It's not scanning it as a trunked system. Any help would be much appreciated!
Unless I am missing somthing it wont work I have tried sevral old scanners including a 780 and it does not support reband.. Reband uses a 6.25 step and there is NO option to make that step in a radio shack 2053 or a 780xlt the scanner see the step as 12.5 and the CC data is 6.25 so my 780 is no good I use in the garage and the back up 2053 is out dated now as well this will be the same for Safe T analog when they reband as well. I dont belive the Pro 97 will support it but check your step u may need to change each freq to a 6.25 step not 12.5
The LCN list posted is correct and has been verified by the EDACS techs and works fine in my 996 and 396 and 2096 as well as others I have
Are you sure you have the right LCN I am not getting the beeps at all trunking great however still sounds like crap lots of hum in Carmel fires radios and units asking to repeat on HCS great time to listen lots of storms and lots of radio traffic good work out for the reband freqs
Ok got the 780 to work after using software"ARC780" to make sure each freq was set to TRUNK then made sure mode was FM and in EDACS WIDE mode and IT WORKS to bad 2053 wont
Noblesville PD officer telling his dispatcher that his "Portable radio is in sometype of scan mode and will not pick anything up" Dispatch told him to hold down the down button and go to NNPD as this was there New Talkgroup 6-21-2010 Monday 6-21-2010