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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Harris Dispatch Console warble tones

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Dec 24, 2005
Uxbridge, north of the river Thames
we are on our counties P25 Phase 2 system, i believe we have harris console, im wondering if a warble or extra wake up tone can be added after our 2 tone QCII pair goes out. We are trying to add the Motorola warble tone but are willing to use anything that makes our dispatch tones longer and louder.


Aug 24, 2013
Maryland Shore
Yes, the console itself supports sending A1, A2, A3, and additional tones. You can also build canned tones to follow a paging sequence. These are ultimately WAV files (as are the QCII tones themselves) so you have a ton of possibilities.


Dec 24, 2005
Uxbridge, north of the river Thames
Yes, the console itself supports sending A1, A2, A3, and additional tones. You can also build canned tones to follow a paging sequence. These are ultimately WAV files (as are the QCII tones themselves) so you have a ton of possibilities.
thats what we thought, our original two tone pair is just a .wav file of 2575HZ and 1985HZ all we want to do is add the warble file to that .wav file but our programming guy is telling us that we cant add anything to it. Is there any new console out there that this cant be done on, i wouldnt think so.
im gonna work on trying to get the console model
how exactly can i build canned tones


Active Member
Mar 14, 2004
s our dispatch tones longer and louder.
Are your pagers/recievers not decoding them correctly and issuing a device generated alert tone, or are you simply using the tones as the audible warning that wakes people up?


Dec 24, 2005
Uxbridge, north of the river Thames
We had an old zetron or orbicon console that gave us a “wake up” tone after our 2 tone we lost that with our upgrade to the county system, we switched from VHF to QCII over p25 at the beginning of this year. Our two tone pair goes out twice but with the current unication firmware the pagers only alert once ( new beta firmware I have fixes that and they alert twice now) we are trying to add the wake up tone as an added audio cue for our responders after the initial activation tone from the pager (when it decides the two tone)


Retired LEO
Mar 6, 2008
It is created as an "Alert Tone" within the Symphony console software. It will require new workflow for the dispatchers.
Sir We are transitioning to Symphony consoles. Can they do a simple channel closed tone at a steady timing ? We have asked for it on the older consoles with no results. Most agencies around us use closed channel tone when an incident is happening. Symphony looks very promising for features, but I have not got to deep into it yet. We are trying to upgrade all our Harris backhaul , to allow for transition to P25 Phase II ( currently on Open Sky)


Aug 24, 2013
Maryland Shore
If by Closed Channel Tone you are talking about an intermittent beep (typically used to identify that there is a 10-3 or similar on the channel) than yes, the Symphony can do this. It is a licensed feature and called "Priority Marker Tone".


Retired LEO
Mar 6, 2008
Thanks sir Yes that is it Hopefully we can make that happen. Have you guys had good luck with the Symphony ?


Retired and playing radio whenever I want.
Staff member
Lead Database Admin
Sep 22, 2002
thats what we thought, our original two tone pair is just a .wav file of 2575HZ and 1985HZ all we want to do is add the warble file to that .wav file but our programming guy is telling us that we cant add anything to it. Is there any new console out there that this cant be done on, i wouldnt think so.

We use Zetron Max here, which allows us to create pretty much any tone we want. In fact, the stock fire (steady) and EMS (high-low) tones sounded terrible going through a P25 control station, so I had to create new ones with slightly altered tone frequencies the radios would recognize. Nice and clean now.

It is created as an "Alert Tone" within the Symphony console software. It will require new workflow for the dispatchers.

That the dispatchers would have to take any additional action is surprising; with the Zetron Max all we had to do was specify the alert tone we wanted to follow the paging tones for a given agency and assign the paging/alerting stack to the proper preselect button. All the dispatcher has to do is press the preselect for the desired agency and the paging tones go out followed by the alert tone, automatically.


Aug 24, 2013
Maryland Shore
We use Zetron Max here, which allows us to create pretty much any tone we want. In fact, the stock fire (steady) and EMS (high-low) tones sounded terrible going through a P25 control station, so I had to create new ones with slightly altered tone frequencies the radios would recognize. Nice and clean now.

That the dispatchers would have to take any additional action is surprising; with the Zetron Max all we had to do was specify the alert tone we wanted to follow the paging tones for a given agency and assign the paging/alerting stack to the proper preselect button. All the dispatcher has to do is press the preselect for the desired agency and the paging tones go out followed by the alert tone, automatically.

That's almost the same process with the Symphony but there are a few ways to do the workflow. If they currently just hit the button for the QC tone, they would need to modify their practice and either then manually send the alert tone OR they would need to hit the "Page" icon to build a stack and select the alert tone they wish to use from a drop down and then press the Send icon. It isnt complex or cumbersome, it's just a different workflow if all they do currently is hit a standalone tone icon.
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