Glad you're back. I too started using a CB during the oil embargo. Remember one thing. Things have changed, for the better provided you are using this radio for the road. Most interstate highways I've traveled on are still using channel 19.
However, the quality of the information tends to be much more accurate now because it is not coming from clueless 4-wheelers with a new toy. Back in the seventies, there were so many simpletons with a mike in their hands, it was embarrassing.
I cannot count the number of times truckers have helped me get around significant road closure on Interstate highways, etc. Yes, there is still trash talk.
I once avoided running into the path of a tornado in Moore, Oklahoma. I could go on and on. Oh, and it keeps you awake on long trips. There are earphones to use if others in the vehicle don't want to hear transmissions.
Regarding your equipment, Firesticks are still good antennas from what I've heard. Brush up on your lingo and "hammer down."
PS: Ah, "Good buddy" has an entirely different meaning now. If you want to keep things friendly, I would not use that terminology, LOL.