I just purchased a 325 P2 and trying to use freescan to help program my scanner it worked once then I got an error insufficient scanner resources
then I did an auto port scan I got
FreeScan could not Communicate with the scanner, or the scanner is not recognized as being compatible.
the remote control screen shows check com settings.
FreeSCAN software is set to com 7 the same as the first time I used it.
windows 10 device manager shows the scanner is in com 7.
when I plug it into a different USB port it shows it's now in com 10
I clicked on virtual control it worked logged 2 different hits.
when I tried to download the programing in the scanner, freesSCAN gives me an error.
the scanner is not recognized as being compatible or check com port
when I queue systems it works fine. just will not download programming.
I am currently trying to program a 996p2 using freescan and a laptop to a 996p2 mounted in vehicle
I get thru everything and get an error message can't find port or something like that
Can someone tell me the remedy for this, please