I believe they are still like Charleston. Dispatched on 155.160 . Been awhile since I was up there, but I belive the crew carrys handhelds if out an about in the hospital, general area.
Pager tones????? Ya got one to tune in with? Your best bet is just go to the data base , get the PL for 155.160 , and put it in your scanner / radio. Medical Community... I expect cell phone is used for clarification after the dispatch , on sensitive calls.
Monongalia County, West Virginia (WV) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Frequency License Type Tone Description
155.34000 KUP349 B CSQ Primary FM Hospital
155.17500 KUP349 B Monongalia EMS Private to MEDCOM FM Hospital
155.23500 KUP349 BM CSQ Statewide EMS FM Hospital
155.16000 KUP349 BM 186.2 PL Healthnet 1 Dispatch FM Hospital
155.40000 156.7 PL Healthnet 2 FM Hospital
462.95000 151.4 PL WVUMed Call9 Region 6/7 Call 9 FM EMS-Tac
FF-Medic !!!
FF-Medic !!!