For Knox LE, during Events at The University of Tennessee, you can hear UTPD, KCSO, ACSO BCSO, LCSO, and THP utilize "KX-UT INTEROP," and it is TACN TG of 10606. The only other time you can hear LE in Knox is, of course, like others have mentioned THP and when they use law mutual aids & the TN Homeland Security District 2 Interoperability channels. Pellissippi State Community College Police is also on TACN and unencrypted. They have campuses in Knox and Blount. You can also put in the following TACN channels for Seymour VFD (listed under Knox): SVFD TACN 1 (10657), SVFD TACN 2 (10662), SVFD TACN 4 (10664). You can hear the dispatch centers on these channels as well. Seymour Volunteer Fire Departments cover Knox (Dispatched by Rural Metro/AMR Communications at Knox 911), Blount (Dispatched by Blount Comm Center), and Sevier (Dispatched by Sevier Central Dispatch). Their primary channel is a VHF of 154.310 MHz with a PL of 103.5 MHz, but they also use TACN a lot now. You can also monitor 460.500 with a PL of 100.0, Interagency. The Dispatch Centers within Sevier County communicate it. 100 is Sevier County Sheriff's Office Dispatch, 300 is Sevierville Police Dispatch, 500 is Gatlinburg Police Dispatch, and 700 is Pigeon Forge Police Dispatch. Central Dispatch does dispatching for Fire and EMS. Also, EMS is still paged on 462.950 MHz. All Fire/Rescue pages can be heard on 464.225 MHz with a PL of 136.5. Gatlinburg Fire and EMS also get paged on 453.800 with a PL of 100.0. If you live near Blount, most of their channels on TACN are partially encrypted because the dispatchers have a policy regarding encryption usage, and the field users can choose to leave it on or off. The Blount AMR/Blount Rescue Squad Dispatch TACN TG of 10064 has no encryption usage, and the dispatch side is simul-selected to transmit on 154.355 MHz. You can monitor Blount Fire on 453.100 with a PL of 127.3 and Townsend VFD on 453.075 with a PL of 94.8. Gatlinburg Fire & their EMS and Townsend VFD & AMR respond to incidents in GSMNP. Friendsville and Greenback Fire (Dispatched by Loudon COMM) cover Blount, but they cover over near the Loudon/Blount Line. Alcoa and Maryville FDs are on TACN with partial encryption usage. GSMNP uses both VIPER and TACN (Patched or Linked Together) and their VHF System; some changes are coming soon because they are upgrading their system and adding another net with that upgrade. UT Lifestar also uses TACN, but their initial dispatch goes over 453.500, and it's linked to the Tango Tango App. You can also monitor all of Cocke County, but the Sheriff is on NXDN conventional. Their Fire, Rescue, and EMS contractor also respond to incidents within the Park.