HELP, how do I start listening to police and airport radio traffic?

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Aug 31, 2005
Hi, I really want to listen to police and airport radio frequencies but I know absolutely NOTHING about this stuff. I work in an office building 3-4 miles from Dulles Airport and less than a mile from the nearest police station. At my job I basically work by myself all day so I need something good to listen to. Is it possible to listen to Fairfax County Police and/or the airport frequencies or are they encrypted? What kind of hardware do I need to buy. I have about $500 max to spend.



Mar 29, 2006
Dumfries, VA

You will most likely need to buy a pro-96 DIGITAL scanner. Radioshack sells these for $499.99 but sometimes they will have them on sale for less. Most of the police activity in loudon and fairfax is digital so you will need the pro-96. Dulles does not seam to be too much encrypted so there should be much to listen to there.
Jan 17, 2008

I'm still new as well. However, at first glance, I think you're going to be pleased with the answers you receive.

That's the right amount of money. I just purchased a Uniden BCD396T (which is portable), which was 500. You can find comparable models for around the same cost. I am guessing you can probably find something cheaper that can do what you are looking to do.

Go to the Radio Reference home page. Click on "Database" or "RR Database" on the home page. Then click Virginia on the map. Then click Fairfax County (or Fairfax city) on the map. This will show you just about everything you can think of to listen to on your new scanner. The only downside I see to where you are living is that you have 10 times as much you can listen to as I do where I am! I suggest going with a scanner that can be programmed via your computer. It makes it a LOT easier and a LOT faster to set up and maintain.

I'm still new, so watch for more detailed and information responses in this thread!


Aug 31, 2005
Ok, I see Dulles and the Fairfax County Police use Motorola Type II SmartZone. I guess the PRO-96 can access that?


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Mshaffer, first off let me say welcome.

Before you go plunking down money, it's alawys wise to become familiar with what you're getting into :D

To that end, spend some time becoming familiar with our wiki. You can access it on the top blue toolbar, simply press the word 'wiki' and away you go. We have numerous articles there that you can use to begin to educate yourself - let's start with some of the more important ones...

  • Under 'Forum Specific Topics', at the bottom is 'Trunking'. Briefly put, this is the ability of a system of frequencies to share usage among multiple agencies, all at the same time. This is a very common way for public service freqs to be administered. Click on that, then concentrate on the basics and Motorola systems, as they comprise the largest percentage of systems in this area

  • Again under the same 'Forum Specific Topics' you will see 'Antennas'. This style of article is referred to as a 'category', a high level index that the wiki software monitors and maintains automatically. Each topic is an index to a specific article - click on the one for 'Scanner Antennas' and that article lists numerous links on the subject. Various suppliers, some tech information and even a few homebrew ideas are listed here.

  • At the top right, there's a 'subscription' link. While not very important to you now, it may well become so later. Depending on what scanner - and software - you choose, you can download data directly from the database into the editor for your software. You probably don't need it quite yet, but it's something to keep handy, in case you find you need to build files for yourself. There are lots of folks here, on the other hand, that can supply files, but be sure to be specific about for what software package and geo area you need

  • At the right, you will see something called 'Digital Trunktrackers'. Click on it and you will see roughly a dozen different models indexed in this category. Digital trunking is used heavily here. Click on any one of the model numbers, and you will be taken to an article that describes it in detail

  • Finally scroll down to 'Special Topics' on the right. Continue scrolling to the 'RR Glossary'. Like any hobby it has lots of terminology, some of it bewildering at first. This category lists numerous terms that lead to articles that explain it, some in much detail. It's in infancy now, but it's pretty good for a start

It pays to educate yourself first, before spending any money. I've only scratched the surface here - spend some time reading and asking questions in the correct forums and you will find lots of folks here willing to guide you. Just be specific with your questions - specific questions bring specific answers.

73s Mike
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Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
You should hear a TON of stuff on the air freqs at Dulles. Most are available on our database here. Go to the Maryland forum and find the MilAir sticky thread and browse a little to see what those guys are hearing.

Good Luck and Welcome!
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