Help me pick a new receiver

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Dec 10, 2005
Ok heres the deal I currently have a BCD 396T a Kenwood TH-F6, a Radio Shack pro 2004 and a Uniden 780xlt on my desk at work. I am looking for a home desktop receiver. Trunking is not a necessity. I use Linux as my OS however I have Windoze available for software if I need to use it. This is what I am thinking. I could get an Icom computer radio or a winradio. I could buy a Uniden 996 or the comparable RS model.

I mainly listen to the area over 30mhz not a big shortwave guy really. I want as much frequency coverage as I can get up to a gig or so. I could continue to use the 2004 but I would rather have faster speed and milair etc. A used discontinued suggestion is ok also because of our friend Ebay. Cost isnt a huge issue but price/performance is a must. It will be hooked up to an external antenna ( havent bought one yet ).

So please fire away with your suggestions I appreciate them all.


Feb 19, 2006
Off the Air
You mention that trunking isn't a "necessity," but if you're going to be spending any kind of bucks for a scanner that will last you a while, I'd suggest you get something that's digital-capable. So trunking would also be a "given." The 996 would seem like a good choice, and since you said you want Mil-Air, there's really no Radio Shack model that's really comparable.

The 996 sounds as good as (or better than) anything else, if the price is acceptable to you. I get the sense that you're looking for a radio for the future rather than for the past, in which case I wouldn't be cheap about it.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
Radio_Lady said:
You mention that trunking isn't a "necessity," but if you're going to be spending any kind of bucks for a scanner that will last you a while, I'd suggest you get something that's digital-capable. So trunking would also be a "given." The 996 would seem like a good choice, and since you said you want Mil-Air, there's really no Radio Shack model that's really comparable.

The 996 sounds as good as (or better than) anything else, if the price is acceptable to you. I get the sense that you're looking for a radio for the future rather than for the past, in which case I wouldn't be cheap about it.
I'd agree. The tendency is for more systems to go to trunking, and digital. The 700Mhz band alone would lead me to suggest the 996. That way, you have the have the spectrum that interests you covered (30Mhz up to approx 1ghz), with mil-air capability & trunk coverage if & when needed. While your 780 is an excellent scanner (I have one myself), it won't survive rebanding on the Motorola systems. At present, there is no comparable model in the Radio Shack lineup. The Pro-96/-2096 don't do mil-air out of the box. It can be "opened up" via Win96, but since the scanner was not designed for it, some units do not perform as well as others. The 96/2096 also will not trunk-track in the 700Mhz band, if that goes into service in your area. You'd be limiting your options.

Buying a used/discontinued radio off Ebay also means you'd probably be buying another scanner that would not survive rebanding. I'd lean against that, unlsess you have absolutely no intention of ever using it for trunking, even as a backup.


K9DJW - Senior Member
Database Admin
May 10, 2005
The Valley (SFV), Los Angeles, CA

Look into the iCOM IC-PCR2500 or IC-R2500. This is a dualwatch (two receivers), digital mode, diversity, computer controlled or stand-alone scanning receiver (with optional APCO P25 and DStar digital decode).

By the way, via (future) software, trunking will be available for this scanner.

Go to this Yahoo Group to read more about it: PCR2500


May 12, 2006
Is there any way to tell if systems around the posters area are going trunk or digital anytime soon. I'de recommend the pro-97 but if there are digital plans on the horizon then the pro-96.

Do areas go digital overnight without a warning, I heard this happened in Narrangasset, RI.


Pay the extra for trunking as I bought the pro-99 and took it back for a pro-97 because I thought I didn't want a trunking scanner but with scanners having triple trunking capability its a great deal for the money. You also getter better options with a better scanner thats hard to live without once you get a taste of them.
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Apr 29, 2005
Long Island, NY, USA
Chris0381 said:
Is there any way to tell if systems around the posters area are going trunk or digital anytime soon.
There are two ways to tell what the future plans are (aside from having a really good crystal ball, or a working time machine program):

Ask the city, county, department, etc. Some of them will tell you.

Attend city, county, etc., planning meetings that are open to the public and ask things like "Are there any plans to upgrade our hopelessly antiquated {PD|Fire|etc.} radio system? Or has any thought been given to this?"

I still think the time machine program is the best bet, though.
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