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I have to send a voice transition from Cincinnati, OH to Indianapolis, IN. The supplies I have are a radio that will transmit HF at about 22 watts, a spool of military grade slash wire, a cobra head, and a mast that will raise up to 30 ft. I would prefer using a sloping V but could use a center fed dipole if needed. I need height length and take off angles and any other details that come to mind. The trans. freq also needs to be below 20mhz and the shot will take place at around 8am est. tomorrow. Please help.
I have to send a voice transition from Cincinnati, OH to Indianapolis, IN. The supplies I have are a radio that will transmit HF at about 22 watts, a spool of military grade slash wire, a cobra head, and a mast that will raise up to 30 ft. I would prefer using a sloping V but could use a center fed dipole if needed. I need height length and take off angles and any other details that come to mind. The trans. freq also needs to be below 20mhz and the shot will take place at around 8am est. tomorrow. Please help.