Trunking Ch#
Win500 Name: Extended Settings>Show trunked chan w/VC
PSREdit Name: General Configuration>Other Options>Show Trunking Channel
Default Value: Off
Values: Off/On
Menu Help Text: Show CC Chan # while showing VC
When set to 'On' shows the trunking channel number in the middle of line 4 of the display. F2 (TSYS) still functions.
Win500 Name: Extended Settings>Use RadioID Alert
PSREdit Name: General Configuration>Other Options>Use RadioID Alert Values
Default Value: No
Values: No/Yes
Menu Help Text: Use RadioID's alert setting if showing tag on line 4
The scanner will use any LED/backlight/tone alert settings from programmed Private TGRP objects instead of the group TGRP object's alert settings. For example, you could have a dispatch console's radio ID programmed as a Private TGRP object with alert settings different from the normal "Police Dispatch" Group TGRP object's settings. When the console initiates the call, the scanner will use the alert settings from the Private TGRP object instead of from the Group TGRP object.
Taken from:
Easier to Read Pro-106/197/PSR500/600 Digital Scanner Manual
Hope this helps.