Help Please!

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Jun 24, 2006
I recently purchased a PRO-96 and am having a devil of a time understanding trunking and Talkgroup programming. I live in Scottsdale, AZ and want to program Scottsdale PD and FD as well as Phoenix frequencies. I just purchased a Southwest Frequency Directory, but I am having difficulty programming in Scottsdale as it only gives TG: 4208 for example. Can anyone provide me with a simple step by step process for programming or direct me to a resource? I am using Win96 Software, but I don't seem to be making progress on trunking and talkgroups. The book that came with the unit is worthless. Thanks in advance for your assistance.


Mar 30, 2006
Belmont County,Ohio
The best way I found to store Tg-Id's on the Pro-96 is Program the Control Channel in a bank. rember to set it to Mot. and you do that by manuely hitting the Program button, then pressing the trunk button, and then presstin the mode button and it will change it to Mot. or Edas. Then just hit the scan button and listen. To store a Tg-Id in to the memory, just hit trunk button and it should stroe it for you. Then you can go in and name the Tg-Id's as you want or as there listed in your book.


Jul 18, 2005
New Braunfels, TX
Here's a reason why you will want to subcsribe or donate to this site.

By clicking on the "Databse" link above and doing a little navigation, you'll find that RR has a page dedicated to Phoenix area frequencies and TRS:
Each one of those links takes to even more pages with frequency tables.

I noticed on of the links pointed to Maricopa County:
Further down this page are the conventional frequencies. You'll look at each table, and determine whether you want to scan it. Frequencies that use repeaters have a range of up to 25 miles, you can ignore the input frequency. The Display is a good idea for a text tag. Program the squelch tones if your scanner supports it. Follow your documentation on how to program for each Mode, especially the APCO25.

I noticed the county uses a TRS (Trunked Radio System)
The first table tells us it's a Motorola Type II using Analog and APCO25. The news indicates that Scottsdale went recently online with the system.
In order to maximize your listening experience you *must* program in TGIDs for MOT II.
Start Programming by following the directions for programming a Motorola (800Mhz) trunk. If your scanner supports it, turn on all the bits. Visit this Wiki Page for a good discussion:

TRSs have ranges of 1 to 8 miles, I think. The first site in the Frequency Table looks like it's for Scottsdale. Since your RS Scanner supports "Control Channel Only," Program in "859.26250" (in Blue)in channel X00 and "860.26250" (in Red) in channel X01 of your selected bank.

Return to your documentation for programming in TGIDs. You're going to key in the DEC value and some sort of alpha tag (you can use the display or munge up to 12 characters from the Description table). The "A" Mode are analog (most scanners) TGIDs and the "D" Mode are digital (APCO25 required).

If you program in only a subset of all the TGIDs and that's all you want to hear, run that Bank in "Closed Mode." This is a way to use two or more banks, one for PD, one for Fire/Rescue and one for the Sheriff, for example.

Start scanning. When the agency sends out a call, it will be associated with a TGID. You can follow the action because you can read the alpha tag "MCSO West" you keyed in instead of 43120. Because you program the TGID, if any of the status bits are used, you can still follow the action. You can hold a Talkgroup by pressing the Trunk key down.

There is software available for programming your scanner, but you will still need to look at the database or other reference and make some decisions. Visit the Software Forum for more information.

For more specific information about your area, visit the Arizona Forum.


Silent Key Jan. 14, 2012
May 11, 2002
Eclipse, Virginia
As mike pointed out, you should use Control Channel only for trunking Motorola systems. The Control and alt Control are listed in this 1st picture of Win96 setup. Notice the Bank is 0, the Tag is Scottsdale, Closed is checked (for scanning only the Scottsdale talkgroups) and MOT is selected in the Type pulldown. Moving down to the frequency area, I selected Scottsdale for the frequency tag but you can name it however you desire. The RxMode pulldown has MOT for each frequency. All other data in each used frequency line is unused. Note the MOT 3600 and 9600 CC settings remain at default - Normal for each.

Picture 2 is the Talkgroup and tags settings. Note under the on column the selection of sub-bank 0 and 1. These represent the 28 Police talkgroups in sub-bank 0 and the 4 talkgroups for Services in sub-bank 1. (select the bullet next to 1 to view the service group}

Edit: Dec is always checked for Motorola II systems.
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Dec 22, 2001
Manitoba, Canada
seamusg said:
Frank was correct. in the origional post he said I am using Win96 Software

Oops, my bad. Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't catch the Win96 software in the original post...Maybe it is my recent Retirement that I should be commenting on. :lol: Sorry Frank.



Jun 24, 2006

Thanks for your response, I just sent you an email through the system with a couple of questions, but I am not sure that it went through. Can you confirm that you received it and thanks.



Jun 24, 2006
Thanks and help with talkgroups PLEASE

Thanks for the replys and thanks especially to Frank for providing the Win96 screens, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words and it is true! I am making some headway based on the feedback, but still am not understanding how the Talkgroups work. Do I need to select something on my scanner to access and listen to the Talkgroups that I programmed or do they automatically connect with the control frequencies? Thanks in advance for your continued assistance.



Silent Key Jan. 14, 2012
May 11, 2002
Eclipse, Virginia
kgrinaz said:
Thanks for the replys and thanks especially to Frank for providing the Win96 screens, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words and it is true! I am making some headway based on the feedback, but still am not understanding how the Talkgroups work. Do I need to select something on my scanner to access and listen to the Talkgroups that I programmed or do they automatically connect with the control frequencies? Thanks in advance for your continued assistance.

When the transmitting radio keys up, it's ID (talkgroup) is matched to an available frequency by the system Control Channel for communications. The scanners CPU matches this data stream from the CC and provides the assigned freq and TG on both the audio and display. The Tag for the talkgroup of course is provided by the scanner user through the text key pad or in most cases, through software programming. The sample I provided was with the outstanding Win96 Web Import feature in collusion with this fine RR database system.
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