help with 10 meters???

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Jan 19, 2007
hello all new to just got my callsign wednesday. I am in the tech class and I was wondering if somewone could clear something up for me?? As a tech can I use 10 meters??? Some websites I have searched say I can only use some of the band, others say I can use all, Which is it???????????


Nov 15, 2006
Denver, CO
yes, you can do cw/data (this includes psk31!) from 28.0-28.3 and USB from 28.3 to 28.5

Beware, 10 meters is The Disappointment Band right now. Yeah, sporadic skip now and then, but it's rare, not worth the power of keeping the rig on IMO. The band is so huge, it's hard to find something in a 10 minute opening.


Dec 19, 2002
East Brunswick, NJ
The remainder of 10 meters requires at least a General class license. The above information is totally correct. When 10 finally does open up with the sunspot cycle, you can work the world on 5 watts loaded into a coat hanger. Right now, your best DX bet is cw on eighty and forty (as shown on the above ARRL chart). Print this chart and post it near the rig. Welcome to the wonderful fraternity of world-wide amateur radio! You're gonna love it!


Aug 13, 2002
heh heh!! What elk said is basically true. As soon as Cycle 24 starts up and kicks in, the propagation on 10 meters is going to be awesome. You'll be able to work the entire world with very little power with hardly an antenna. Right now, we're dependent on meteor scatter, and occasional sunspot activity which only lasts a day or two.

And just like everyone else said. Your operating privileges are from 28.000 to 28.300 using CW/Digital like PSK31, RTTY only, and from 28.300 to 28.500 USB phone. 28.500 to 29.700 is reserved for General class and above. The call frequency is 28.400 USB. A lot of time during the low end of this cycle, I usually hear a lot of south america countries hanging out right around 28.475 to 28.495. Just monitor it daily. After dark the band is useless, but as long as the sun is energizing the atmosphere overhead is when you'll most likely find activity.

Tune between 28.150 and 28.295 and listen to CW. If you hear any, they're likely automatic beacons to help aid you in when and where the band is open to. I usually hear several in Texas and NJ/NY all the time.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 10, 2005
Old Monroe,MO
hello all new to just got my callsign wednesday. I am in the tech class and I was wondering if somewone could clear something up for me?"

Wasnt that on the exam you just took?? not trying to be a smart alec, but come on thats pretty basic stuff.............


Feb 6, 2007
jonny290 said:
Beware, 10 meters is The Disappointment Band right now. Yeah, sporadic skip now and then, but it's rare, not worth the power of keeping the rig on IMO.

Depends... Right now, 10 is behaving more like a VHF band. If you treat it as such, there are some fascinating propoagation modes you can take advantage of. Get on the air, and call cq. If no one is making noise, no one will see the openings.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Just my nickel's worth, you forgot there are locals who use it for chit chat rather like CB only better. Here we have the 28.410 Group and there's another in the NYC area a little farther down the band. When it opens more distant stations chime in after hearing all the activity.

Another thing are the linked repeaters, they allow Technician Class operators a shot at the General portion of the band using considerable power, excellent receivers and ideal locations. Since the input is on VHF and/or UHF and a Tech can transmit legally there it's great, especially when there's an opening. There's a fantastic linked system in NYC with repeaters on 10M, 6M, 2M, 1.25M and 70cM all going at once so select any one of them and you're all over the place.

Don't depend on beacons these days to tell you there's an opening, most are low power (1-5W typical) and with weak openings like we're getting now you need a little more power like around 100W. That's the "power shelf" on most of the bands, less and you're not likely to be heard with a worthwhile signal and more is just wasted.

Now before you jump all over me, QRP (<5W) is another ballgame altogether. It's a popular sport so have a go if you will but expect a challenge, that's the fun of it.

Last but not least, 11M CB is an excellent "beacon band". When you hear mass heterodyne and confusion interspersed with the occasional word "skipland" you know 10M is wide open. The trouble with 10 is everybody's listening but nobody's talking so they think the band is dead. Wake the sleepers, MAKE SOME NOISE and QRM the idiot CB "freebanders" while your at it, take back our band!


10 meters is also the home of some spectacular-sounding "YAYEM" mode stations.

(That's the way some of them say "AM" for the uninitiated.)


Dec 12, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
See if you are within range of one of the 10-10 nets. They are a great way to fine tune your stations when the band is 'dead', so you'll have it tweaked and ready when it does open up.

10-10 NEWS Chapter Net Guide
As of 13 September 2007
SUN 0300 0400 Chief Seattle Seattle, WA 28630
SUN 0830 0930 Borinage Colfontaine, ON 28785
SUN 1200 1300 Elmer J Fudd Net Berwick, PA 28340
SUN 1300 1400 GB Ten Spalding, G 28860
SUN 1300 1400 Arlington Arlington, VA 29200
SUN 1500 1600 Neanderthal Chapter Leichlingen, DL 28355
SUN 1530 1630 Steel City Chicago,IL 28420
SUN 1630 1730 Possum Trot Raeford, NC 28345
SUN 1700 1800 Major League Baseball La Mirada, CA 28380
SUN 1800 1900 Portland 500 Salem, OR 28350
SUN 1930 North Georgia Atlanta, GA 28610
SUN 2100 2200 Possum Trot Raeford, NC 28150 CW
SUN 2200 2230 SO TX Lighthorse Brigade San Antonio, TX 28345
SUN 2359 SW FL 10-Meter Moonshine Net Port Charlotte, FL 28405
MON 0001 0100 Chesapeake Bay Chestertown, MD 28435
MON 0030 0130 Minuteman Saugus, MA 28150 CW
MON 0100 Arizona Desert 10-10 Net Phoenix, AZ 28445
MON 0100 0200 Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI 28365
MON 0100 0200 Lonestar Arlington, TX 28460
MON 0030 0130 Palmetto Hollywood, SC 28450
MON 0130 0230 Bauxite Benton, AR 28470
MON 0300 0400 Chief Seattle Seattle, WA 28630
MON 1200 1300 Elmer J Fudd Net Berwick, PA 28340
MON 1700 Colorado Quartermaster Widefield, CO 28120 PSK
MON 2030 Space Coast Elmendorf, TX 28355
MON 2130 2200 Colorado Quartermaster Widefield, CO 28360
MON 2100 Oceans of the World/Sun Coast RadioWeeki Wachee, FL 28375
MON 2330 Santa Fe Trail Galesburg, IL 28380
TUE 0001 0100 Ft McHenry/Cornerstone/Yodar Kritch Arbutus, MD 28370
*TUE 0100 Cypress Orlando, FL 28465
TUE 0100 0200 CO Centennial/CO Frontier Gang Lakewood, CO 28340
TUE 0100 0200 City of Lights St Charles, IL 28150 CW
TUE 0130 0230 City of Lights St Charles, IL 28720
TUE 0130 0230 Bauxite Benton, AR 28470
TUE 0130 0230 OK Route 66 Chapter Oklahoma City, OK 28390
TUE 0200 0300 Concho Valley San Angelo, TX 28360
TUE 0300 0400 Chief Seattle Seattle, WA 28430
TUE 0300 0400 Bay Area Hayward, CA 28475
*TUE 0430 Aloha Hilo, HI 28487
TUE 1200 1300 Elmer J Fudd Net Berwick, PA 28340
TUE 1500 1600 New Mexico Mud Ducks Albuquerque, NM 28835
TUE 1800 Electric City Melbourne, FL 28425
TUE 2000 Branding Iron Kemper, TX 28345
TUE 2300 2359 Fort McHenry Arbutus, MD 28370
T/W 2330 0030 Republic of Texas Euless, TX 28560
WED 0001 0100 Castle Craig Meriden, CT 28375
WED 0030 Kansas Trails Grove City, MN 28385
WED 0030 0130 All American City Birmingham, AL 28400
WED 0030 0130 Minuteman Saugus, MA 28409
WED 0100 Cincinnati Area Ten Tuners Milan, IN 28800
WED 0100 0200 Houston SHOT Houston, TX 28488
WED 0200 0300 10 Bar X El Paso, TX 28440
WED 0300 0400 Edmonton Area/City of Champions Edmonton, ALB 28520
WED 0300 0400 Chief Seattle Seattle, WA 28630
WED 1200 1300 Elmer J Fudd Net Berwick, PA 28340
WED 1700 Gold City Dawsonville, GA 28425
WED 1700 1800 Channel Islands Oxnard, CA 28340
WED 1900 2000 Outlaws on Ten San Antonio, TX 28644
WED 2200 2300 Route-66 Boonville, IN 28370
WED 2300 2359 Michigan Robins Southfield, MI 28493
WED 2359 Southwest FL 10-Meter Moonshine Port Charlotte, FL 28405
W/T 2359 0059 Battle Road Mason, NH 28390
THU 0001 0100 Egyptian Radio Club Granite City, IL 28420
THU 0001 Cradle of the Confederacy Pike Road, AL 28350
THU 0100 0200 Gateway St Louis, MO 28650
THU 0100 0200 Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI 28365
THU 0130 0230 Cowtown Arlington, TX 28460
THU 0230 0330 Windfarms Livermore, CA 28485
THU 0300 0400 Chief Seattle Seattle, WA 28630
THU 1200 1300 Elmer J Fudd Net Berwick, PA 28340
THU 1300 1400 GB Ten/Laurel Mancunium Spalding, G 28870
THU 2000 Branding Iron Kemper, TX 28345
FRI 0001 0100 Crazy Eights McKeesport, PA 28388.88
FRI 0001 0100 Ft McHenry/Cornerstone/Yodar Kritch Arbutus, MD 28370
*FRI 0100 0200 Sky Blue Waters/Twin Cities/Tin Lizzie Afton, MN 28380
FRI 0300 0400 Chief Seattle Seattle, WA 28430
FRI 1200 1300 Elmer J Fudd Net Berwick, PA 28340
FRI 1400 New Waterkant Boerm, DL 28355
FRI 2230 2130 Down Under Auckland, ZL 28530
SAT 0001 0100 MAINE-iacs North Haven, ME 28402.5
SAT 0100 0200 Busy Bee San Angelo, TX 28360
SAT 0300 0400 Chief Seattle Seattle, WA 28630
SAT 1200 1300 Elmer J Fudd Net Berwick, PA 28340
SAT 1330 1430 Springbok Monroe, NJ 28755
SAT 1430 1530 Steamboat Plus Meadowview, VA 28385
SAT 1500 1600 Republic of Texas Euless, TX 28460
SAT 1510 1610 Louisiana Pelican 10-10 Net Baker, LA 28450
SAT 1600 1700 City of Roses Beaverton, OR 28835
SAT 1630 1730 Boomtown Burkburnett, TX 28402
SAT 1700 1800 Lilac City Spokane, WA 28390
SAT 1730 1830 Tango Buenos Aires, LU 28650
SAT 1800 Keystone/Keystone Stars Brea, CA 28765
SAT 1900 Peshtigo Fire Wisconsin Rapids, WI 28370
SAT 2000 Restoration Project Port Alberni, BC 28747
SAT 2200 Alii Lihue, HI 28730
SAT 2300 Oregon Trailblazers Lander, WY 28450
(*) New or change
All changes to the above times and/or frequencies should be referred to the Chapter Manager if
you desire accuracy of your net. Chapter Manager: K5FBS, Clifford A Taylor, 22707 Red
Mountain Drive, Elmendorf, TX 78112-6034. Email:


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
"10 meters is also the home of some spectacular-sounding "YAYEM" mode stations."

Well Dave, initiate someone to the glory of AM Fone! Frankly you should warn them about the ubiquitous WA1 Henry hyeLL ARRRR Yealo Radio and his infamous Slime-O-Tron first. (;->)


I haven't operated there yet, but I enjoy listening from time to time. The audio quality is unbelievable for shortwave.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
I've been listening for 30+ years and knowing what they're using it's quite believable. If it sounds like a broadcast transmitter it usually is.

Oh K9, don't you think it would have been easier just to post the URL?


Oct 12, 2005
kb2vxa said:
"10 meters is also the home of some spectacular-sounding "YAYEM" mode stations."

Well Dave, initiate someone to the glory of AM Fone! Frankly you should warn them about the ubiquitous WA1 Henry hyeLL ARRRR Yealo Radio and his infamous Slime-O-Tron first. (;->)

Does Timtron operate on 10 meters? I usually hear him on 75 and occasionally 40.I have met Timtron at a hamfest and the way he conducts himself on the the air is not an act.He is a really smart guy, just kind of eccentric, but aren't we all.
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