Help with Simulcast

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Oct 3, 2019
milo, iowa
So recently my county “Warren” switched to a simulcast system. I have a uniden BCD996p2
And a unication G5 and they worked perfectly. Now since i imported the new system from radio reference my uniden is very garbled and delayed, and not picking up any department tones. Im a little confused on if the simulcast is digital or conventional. Since reprogramming my unication G5 it doesnt pick up anything at all. Could someone help me with these things possibly?


Oct 10, 2003
I am assuming you meant prior to them switching to ICSIS you could pick them up? On their conventional channels? Not sure what you mean by department tones either. Fire tone out features of the scanner don't work with trunk systems.

Simulcast is a digital issue. That garbling is most likely is caused by it. It looks like you might have choices though. I am assuming the system you loaded from RR was "Warren Co Simulcast" which is listed as site 43 (2B). If that is it then you will probably have to work through simulcast issues. Lots of articles out there about that. Short version is put your worst antenna on it and move it around until you find a sweet spot. I would recommend trying using site 44 (2C) which is listed as Hooper and doesn't look like it is simulcast, but shows full county coverage.
I also don't really know much about the Unication, but you should try the Hooper tower there too.

As a new system it will take some time for other locals to figure out where the towers are and that will help a lot with your simulcast troubleshooting.
If all else fails, I would second lu81fitters advice and put your old program back in as well as the new systems. They will probably be patched for awhile so will give you some time to find what works for you.
Oct 3, 2019
milo, iowa
Before they switched to simulcast in reference to the fire tones they were patching fire dispatch 2 tones into the Hooper tower. Both scanners were programmed with the Hooper system and working perfect then they activated the simulcast and my unication was saying out of range from hooper constantly, so im assuming its no longer being used? Its rather confusing to me. I will just have to keep trying.
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