I will soon be moving into a HOA house and I need suggestions/help on an HF antenna. The longest wire antenna I could put up would be less than 50 feet long (no trees). Inside the attic I could mount a HVU-8, but the area not long enough for any size wire antenna. A magnetic loop antenna would fit but I would like to run 100 watts on 80 meters. On 80 my two main frequencies are 3.723.0 and 3.855.0, too far apart in band spread for the HVU-8; not sure about the magnetic loop antenna. I might be able to get permission (I am the only ham in the community) to put in a vertical, but no room for radials. I do have an IC-AH4 and a Z-11 tuner that I can use. BTW, my IC-7200 is finicky about high SWR, it has a built in 2.0 SWR cutoff and is very strict about that limit. I hope that you are seeing my dilemma. Well, good luck and any help will be appreciated. I have about a month before I move to figure this out.