I don't know if I've answered my own question or not, but here's what I think is true. I gather that the HP-1 cannot scan through a range of frequencies.
Wrong, it can
For example, you can't pick a starting point like 42 kHz and have it scan through 49 kHz if you were trying to listen to an old analog baby monitor or something like that.
That is part of the method
From what I understand, the frequency has to be defined and in the RR database, or else you can't scan it. Is that true?
Is it really not possible to just scan the 127 kHz aircraft band (or Railroad, or Marine, or CB, or HAM)? That seems like a pretty big limitation. How tough is it to make a list of those bands? I really can't believe that a scanner this expensive won't let you scan those bands. Am I missing something here? I get that the HP-1 is a real departure from previous types of scanners, but this functionality seems pretty basic. If I buy this device, I clearly understand that it's only as good as the RR database that gets downloaded into it.
Not true
What about other frequencies that I want to monitor that may not be in that database? Please try to elaborate on how that would work. Does that stuff get stored under a user created Favorite list?
Yes, and you choose the "step" size, or you can enter each of a list of frequencies.
What are the limitations of these type of lists.
From the Home Patrol Manual:
Appendix B: Band Coverage
Frequency (MHz) Mod (Note 1) Step (kHz) (Note 2) Remark
Lower Upper
25.0000 26.9600 AM 5.0 Petroleum Products & Broadcast Pickup
26.9650 27.4050 AM 5.0 CB Class D Channel
27.4100 27.9950 AM 5 0 Business & Forest Products
28.0000 29.6950 NFM 20.0 10 Meter Amateur Band
29.7000 49.9950 NFM 10.0 VHF Low Band
50.0000 53.9950 NFM 20.0 6 Meter Amateur Band
108.0000 136.9950 AM 8.33 Aircraft Band
137.0000 143.9950 NFM 12.5 Military Land Mobile
144.0000 147.9950 NFM 5.0 2 Meter Amateur Band
148.0000 150.7950 NFM 12.5 Military Land Mobile
150.8000 161.9950 NFM 5.0 VHF High Band
162.0000 173.9950 NFM 12.5 Federal Government
174.0000 215.9950 FM 5.0 TV Broadcast 7 – 13
216.0000 224.9950 NFM 20.0 1.25 Meter Amateur Band
225.0000 379.9950 AM 25.0 UHF Aircraft Band
380.0000 399.9950 NFM 12.5 Military Band
400.0000 405.9950 NFM 12.5 Miscellaneous
406.0000 419.9950 NFM 12.5 Federal Government Land Mobile
420.0000 449.9950 NFM 12.5 70 cm Amateur Band
450.0000 469.9950 NFM 12.5 UHF Standard Band
470.0000 512.0000 NFM 12.5 UHF TV
758.0000 787.9950 NFM 6.25 Public Service Band
788.0000 805.9950 NFM 6.25 Public Service Band
806.0000 823.9875 NFM 12.5 Public Service Band
849.0125 868.9875 NFM 12.5 Public Service Band
894.0125 960.0000 NFM 12.5 Public Service Band
Note 1: Modulation Quick Frequency Entry default settings. Select from AM / FM / NFM. Preprogrammed frequency modulation cannot be changed.
Note 2: Step Quick Frequency Entry default settings. Select from AUTO, 5k,6.25k, 7.5k, 8.33k, 10k, 12.5k, 15k, 20k, or 25k. If Auto is selected for Step setting, HomePatrol uses the default step setting.
How do you define them, is it done through the scanner
or only possible with 3rd party software.
BINGO, Arc Patrol will work, other software is rumored to be eminent.
Thanks for all your help.