HomePatrol Extreme - ID Search on Full Database?

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Upstate SC

I enjoy using my HomePatrol and appreciate the recent upgrades. In particular, the ID search function for trunked systems on the favorites groups is an excellent improvement.

I travel many times per month, and thus use the full database with a GPS unit. Many of these systems add or change talkgroups frequently. Thus these talkgroups are not scanned when using the full database. In future upgrades, will it be possible to set the HP for ID search for selected trunked systems in the full database? Or, as an option, possibly include a global setting in the menu to ID search all trunked systems in the full database?

Currently, as a workaround, I have created a favorites list which includes about 30 trunked systems. In this favorites list, I set each of the trunked systems to ID search. I then set avoids on the same systems in the full database, then set the HP to use both the full database and this special favorites list.

Thanks for a great product!
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