Several users in the HomePatrol forum have reported getting errors when running updates today. Good thing my settings are on the HP-1 because my database has been corrupted.
OK. Now that it's apparent that there is a problem with our half grand Homepatrol, what's going to happen next? Or, have we been scammed? You mean there's nobody out there working on a database fix? C'mon. RF freaks stay up all night. Where's the folks in charge? We need a database restoration ASAP. Hello? CQ? CQ?
Getting the exact same error. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling after a reboot...same error.
Strange thing is that it this is the first I've tried to update the Database and HP-1 in well over a month. It's been my sole mobile scanner and hasn't left the car in all this time so I'm curious as to what the issue is...has to be SW related.
Actually, yesterday I was Christmas shopping and then had a holiday gathering with friends...I forgot I had triggered a special pull. Remembered early this morning and saw the email flood.
Ok, I'm leaving the office, now to finish my shopping (and maybe take a nap during the Cowboys game).