I have BC396t handheld. I've installed it in my 94 GMC and use a Hustler Multi Band Antenna(mounted to fender). I sporadically get frequency lockup on the 154-156mhz and 450-460mhz bands with some kind of noise Only when engine is running)((if I turn cruise cntrl on/off noise makes clicking sound)). The noise goes away when the Antenna is diconnected. No changes when I remove power.
I believe it is some kind of noise comming from the engine compartment. HOW do I fix this??? maybe grounding the antenna better??? will encasing the coax in braided shield and grounding work???
I believe it is some kind of noise comming from the engine compartment. HOW do I fix this??? maybe grounding the antenna better??? will encasing the coax in braided shield and grounding work???