BCD325P2/BCD996P2: How do I listen to only one trunked service?

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Oct 3, 2013
South Daytona
On my BCD996P2 when I try to program only one agency like fire it picks up all the other other agencies on the system. When I import on proscan I pick my city and only the one agency or talkgroup. However when it scans it picks up everyone on the system for some reason. Anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?

Attached is how its setup. See the highlighted service...I have the countywide and just the 1 talkgroup. Yet everyone comes up when it scans. Do I need to delete some of the control channels?


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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Arlington, TX
I don't have the 996P2 myself but when the scanner is scanning does it show ID Search or ID Scan on the screen as the scanner is scanning / searching? If it's in ID Search mode you'll hear everything, all talk groups or channels on the system, not locked out. If it says ID Search on the screen when the radio is scanning/searching and there's no traffic being received, then you do have it where it's searching for any and all traffic on the TRS. On most of the Uniden radios you can press the Function key and then the Enter key and it will switch back and forth between ID Search and ID Scan. Just be sure to do it while the radio is scanning.

And does the 996P2 have the different service types (like Fire Disp, Fire Talk, and Fire Tac)? I'm pretty sure it probably does and if you look up the Service Types in the menu or manual, it probably has all of the other ones like Law Disp, Law Talk, and Law Tac (as well as a lot of other services) turned on that you do not want to hear. I think that is explained pretty well in the operators manual and I believe it's called Service Types in the radio's menu and in the manual.

I wish that I had experience on that specific radio but since I don't I'll let others help if that doesn't do the trick. It's pretty much this way on all of the Uniden radios that are digital capable and made in the last 5 years or so. Maybe even 10 years.

Hope this helps and good luck...

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