How Do i delete single frequency from a multy site system without deleting it from the other site ?
For example say site 3 have 866.2125 and site 7 had it also but the freeq on site 7 replaced to another one by the site manager sometime so i want to erase the not used one ...
trying to do so erased the freequency at all the sites and now im in a problem ... site 3 lost this freeq also ....
can someone tell me how to do it correct or is it a bug ?
NB of course that same freequency have same Channel (LCN) at all the sites because it is a NEtworked Multy site system .
How Do i delete single frequency from a multy site system without deleting it from the other site ?
For example say site 3 have 866.2125 and site 7 had it also but the freeq on site 7 replaced to another one by the site manager sometime so i want to erase the not used one ...
trying to do so erased the freequency at all the sites and now im in a problem ... site 3 lost this freeq also ....
can someone tell me how to do it correct or is it a bug ?
NB of course that same freequency have same Channel (LCN) at all the sites because it is a NEtworked Multy site system .