Dear Forum,
I started monitoring my local fire traffic and have some questions for experienced users.
The system I'm listening to is the "Idaho Cooperative Agencies Wireless Interoperable Network", a P25 phase 1 system. My county (ADA) is using simulcast.
I'm currently listening to the dispatch talk group and try to figure out which radio id or talk group (I'm not sure what the correct term is) my local fire station is using.
I'd like to monitor only the local traffic, in best case program my scanner and pager to only open to a dispatch call for the local station and the switch to the assigned channel/talk group.
My problem is: I don't know how to identify just dispatch calls for my local station.
I found in the RR database the talk group for the dispatch channel, and I found the talk groups for the channels the dispatcher assigns to the unit for the alarm.
Can someone with experience help me understand what information I need and how to decode it, please?
I have a Uniden BCD536HP, a SDS200 (once back from repair), a Unication G5 and an Airspy SDR.
I can see "from" IDs in the SDR-Trunk software and on the Unication display when someone is transmitting.
I thought I'm clever and started writing them down whenever a unit identified itself. But I figured out over time that these IDs change.
This morning Ladder 5 used 12345 as an ID and in the evening it's suddenly 54321....
What information do I need and how would you try to collect it?
Thanks for your help.
I started monitoring my local fire traffic and have some questions for experienced users.
The system I'm listening to is the "Idaho Cooperative Agencies Wireless Interoperable Network", a P25 phase 1 system. My county (ADA) is using simulcast.
I'm currently listening to the dispatch talk group and try to figure out which radio id or talk group (I'm not sure what the correct term is) my local fire station is using.
I'd like to monitor only the local traffic, in best case program my scanner and pager to only open to a dispatch call for the local station and the switch to the assigned channel/talk group.
My problem is: I don't know how to identify just dispatch calls for my local station.
I found in the RR database the talk group for the dispatch channel, and I found the talk groups for the channels the dispatcher assigns to the unit for the alarm.
Can someone with experience help me understand what information I need and how to decode it, please?
I have a Uniden BCD536HP, a SDS200 (once back from repair), a Unication G5 and an Airspy SDR.
I can see "from" IDs in the SDR-Trunk software and on the Unication display when someone is transmitting.
I thought I'm clever and started writing them down whenever a unit identified itself. But I figured out over time that these IDs change.
This morning Ladder 5 used 12345 as an ID and in the evening it's suddenly 54321....
What information do I need and how would you try to collect it?
Thanks for your help.