Foolishly tried to update my scanner and the CPU update failed. How can I force a power down, the screen says CPU SW Upgrade: Error - Turn Off. Removed battery's but comes back up with same screen. Also shows UP Boot Ver: F2.0 UP App Ver: NONE
The upgraded PSR-800 is a WS1080. The WS1040 is an entirely different scanner. You may be trying to use the wrong firmware. You should use the WS1080 EZ Scan software to update the firmware. This may be of use to you:
My mistake/typo yes it is a WS-1080 and I am using WS-1080 EZ Scan to program it, something hung up during the update and I was not able to turn the scanner off but reloading the WS-1080 CPU updater restored it to full operation. The link you provided is where I downloaded the updater from. Also I formatted and reloaded a different SD card so maybe the original SD card got corrupted. Thanks for the reply.