How to get this group of channels onto the downloadable database?

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Premium Subscriber
May 7, 2023
I'd like to know if there is a way for the Sheriff list found here: San Diego-Imperial County RCS NextGen Trunking System, Various, California for those channels to be made available to the downloadable database we use with ProScan.

I do have a paid sub for radioreference, and I've already been able to add channels to my BCD325P2 using ProScan from your San Diego database -- for the exemption of these, I can't get them for some reason. (see screenshot below that shows the Sheriff list to be at 0.)

I'm interesting in fetching all these to be precise: (see attachment)

I am interested in those channels, because I did get some signals to be working for some of those -- some seem to still be operational. Especially these frequencies:
  • 852.3875
  • 852.8875
  • 853.4125
  • and etc.
And I'd hate to painstakingly add them one by one -- even using ProScan seem tedious. Unless there is another way to add them all in a batch? If so, please let me know?
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Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
I'd like to know if there is a way for the Sheriff list found here: San Diego-Imperial County RCS NextGen Trunking System, Various, California for those channels to be made available to the downloadable database we use with ProScan.

I do have a paid sub for radioreference, and I've already been able to add channels to my BCD325P2 using ProScan from your San Diego database -- for the exemption of these, I can't get them for some reason. (see screenshot below that shows the Sheriff list to be at 0.)
View attachment 141443

I'm interesting in fetching all these to be precise: (see attachment)
View attachment 141442

I am interested in those channels, because I did get some signals to be working for some of those -- some seem to still be operational. Especially these frequencies:
  • 852.3875
  • 852.8875
  • 853.4125
  • and etc.
And I'd hate to painstakingly add them one by one -- even using ProScan seem tedious. Unless there is another way to add them all in a batch? If so, please let me know?
There are no specific frequencies listed for the Sheriff's because they have transitioned to the trunked system.

Those specific frequencies are part of the South Simulcast site on the trunked system. That's why they are not visible to be downloaded as conventional frequencies.

You need to program that specific trunked system, and include that specific site, as well as talkgroups used by the S.O. Programming them as conventional frequencies is not a useful option. You'd hear various scattered transmissions for any & all agencies that use that site. An actual transmission by one of the S.O. units could be on any of the site frequencies (other than the one currently used as a control channel for the site), and replies could be on one of the other frequencies. No guarantee that they'll use the same frequency for a given conversation. Programmed correctly as a trunked system, the scanner will follow whichever frequency is in use for the talkgroups that you include with the systemm

In ProScan, import the trunked system as a trunked system.
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Premium Subscriber
May 7, 2023
Wow! Thank you very much for your detailed solution. That is what I needed to learn. Thank you!

BTW. Just wondering how come they have combined both San Diego and Imperial Counties in the following list: San Diego-Imperial County RCS NextGen

My current issue now is if I want to import that entire list to my scanner, I get the following warning:

I'm wondering if they could split the Counties sometime in the future, maybe the list would be smaller? Just a thought?

Or is there a way to workaround this warning or issue I currently have?


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
Wow! Thank you very much for your detailed solution. That is what I needed to learn. Thank you!

BTW. Just wondering how come they have combined both San Diego and Imperial Counties in the following list: San Diego-Imperial County RCS NextGen
The two counties are listed together since this is a regional system, not one specific to a single city, county, or other agency. Since they all work together, using the same basic system, they are combined correctly in the database.

Statewide systems are treated the same way. Every site, every city, county, or other specific agency that uses the system is combined on it's database page.
This is the statewide system for Louisiana, which borders Texas to my east.

That's a much larger system than the one you are looking at, but everything is contained on the same database page.

My current issue now is if I want to import that entire list to my scanner, I get the following warning:
View attachment 141481

I'm wondering if they could split the Counties sometime in the future, maybe the list would be smaller? Just a thought?

Or is there a way to workaround this warning or issue I currently have?
What you are trying to import exceeds the capability of your scanner. These are specified on the Wiki page for the 325P2.
  • Groups per system: 20 maximum
  • Systems: 500 maximum
  • Talkgroups per trunked system: 500 maximum
When importing a system via ProScan, or any other software that supports both your scanner as well as importing from RadioReference, each Department is imported as a separate Group. That might be a group that is specific for a smaller city, or perhaps individual groups for the major agencies for a specific city, ie: Police, Fire, Public Works, etc, are broken up into individual Departments in the database, and are thus treated as individual Groups when importing.

For the system in question, San Diego-Imperial County RCS NextGen Trunking System, Various, California, it is too large for the scanner if imported as a single system. But, realistically, you would not want to program, and monitor, the entire system. Cities and agencies that either of no interest to you, or are out of range, don't have to be included for you to monitor only what interests you. This system includes both counties, as well as most of the individual cities in each.

Import only the agencies (groups) that interest you, and that are in range, For each one, include the sites that cover the area. With the groups, and talkgroups limits per system, you'll probably need to break it down into several systems, keeping each one below the limits.

One of the database scanners, such as the 436HP or SDS100, would allow the entire system with all of it's departments and talkgroups to be in a single Favorites list, but that would be a lot of excess baggage that likely would be not of interest, or not in range (maybe both).

San Diego proper has both an older Motorola system listed, as well as a newer Phase II system which they are moving to. Either of those are small enough that they could be imported entirely, but again, that would include a lot of things not of interest.

Getting back to the original system in question, for San Diego & Imperial counties, sit down & consider, first, exactly who (agency? city? county?) that you want to monitor, as well as considering what might be out of range. On the Easier to Read manuals, there is a Planning section that has some worksheets that you can use to lay out what you want. You could do a separate system, for each county, with county agencies. Other systems could have groups of the smaller cities, or split out types (like a Law Enforcement system, another for Fire, and so on). While you can't drop everything en-masse into one gigantic system, you can still break categories down so that you have systems of a workable size. Also remeber that while there is a limit of twenty groups (the Departments on the database pages), you only have ten quick keys to assign (0 thru 9) if you want to use those to toggle individual groups on or off via a quick key. Yes, it will take a little time to lay it out, but once you do that, you'll find it much easier to listen to what you want, as well as narrow down the active systems or groups so that you can concentrate on a significant event, like a large wildfire or structure fire, or an incident involving multiple law enforcement agencies.


Premium Subscriber
May 7, 2023
Thanks again for providing so much good info, I will definitely read those links and put some more planning on what I want to scan and etc. Plus also go over a few dozen times what you provided as info goes -- I am new to this, so there is a learning curve.

Yes, I still haven't gotten my feet wet with setting up Quick Keys and etc. on my scanner. I've read a few guides (here and there) and some YouTube tutes about it, but the lingo is still new to me. Currently, I am looking for a guide where I can see someone set up something for themselves (as setting up an example) -- this way I can follow that and use that as a pattern on how to go about setting them up for mine. I am currently confident that (the software) ProScan will be incredibly helpful in modifying and setting up my database and etc.

BTW: To get around that warning about exceeding the amount of groups and etc. -- what I ended up doing (to be able to import that system with all those so many groups) is using ProScan to duplicate the imported list, and then edit/delete some groups in each dupe to keep them within the 20 group limit and still be able to import them all to at least do a scan to see what I can catch (if anything). See screenshot (see blue highlighted Systems):


So by duping that large system and breaking it up in smaller chunks, I was then able to upload them all without a glitch, but I hear ya, I need to later figure out what is important for me to keep or etc., depending what I plan to scan and monitor.

Thanks again for your time and work in helping me out... :)
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