Silent Key/KF4ANC
I saw an interesting vblog a fewyears ago (Utube, if I remember correctly) where the guy described how he monitored his public safety encrypted agencies by 'peripherally' scanning other communications where he could follow conversations about what was happening (hospitals, hams, taxis, bus drivers, frs, truckers on cb, business bands, gmrs, tow trucks, delivery trucks, media, etc). Does anyone remember this blog and where it originated? It has since been taken down or I am mistaken about Utube. Very creative and informative, he sure knew his way around a scanner. He had an SDS100 and a BCD536HP and a few older analog scanners. I remember a BCT15X, as well. His vblog described how he knew which agency/entity to monitor that relayed information about when there was an emergency 911 dispatch. All of his scanners were assigned particular frequencies and he had a very unique way to scan his area when emergency vehicles were dispatched, and he demonstrated his technique on the vblog. Very interesting vid. Gave me some great ideas about setting up a good monitoring post and how to assign each scanner. I sure would like to watch it again.