Rookie owner, been trying to understand how to program to scan. Played with the freescan software but still totally confused. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Proscan is a much better app for programming, still supported with regular updates & its developer is an active & responsive member here on the forums. Freescan abandoned their project back in 2015 so thus support for the 996P2 is "experimental" as noted on their website.Played with the freescan software but still totally confused. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Since you are a Premium Subscriber, you can use FreeSCAN to import systems & their related information into a programming file on your PC.Rookie owner, been trying to understand how to program to scan. Played with the freescan software but still totally confused. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Rookie owner, been trying to understand how to program to scan. Played with the freescan software but still totally confused. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Give this FreeSCAN file for Craven County a try. First, you will need to install the driver for your scanner. Save the attached zipped file to your computer and extract. Connect your computer to your scanner. Open the extracted file with FreeSCAN. Go to the Scanner tab and click on Upload Programming. Highlight Erase All Systems & Settings. Click on Start Upload. There are 3 systems. The first has the conventional frequencies for Craven County and has a system quick key of 1. The second has talkgroups for the VIPER statewide trunked system and has a system quick key of 2. The third is the trunked system for New Bern and has a system quick key of 3. Pressing 1, 2, and 3 on the keypad will toggle each system on and off. The attached PDF file has instructions for using quick keys. The groups on each system can be toggled on and off to select the frequencies or talkgroups you want to monitor. Set squelch on the scanner at 2. Please let me know if you have any questions. Quick keys as follows:Rookie owner, been trying to understand how to program to scan. Played with the freescan software but still totally confused. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
1. Craven Co Conv | |
1. Craven Services | |
2. Craven Fire/EMS | |
3. Craven EMS/Hosp | |
4. Craven Law | |
2. VIPER Craven Co | |
1. State Events | |
2. State Interop | |
3. State Emerg Mgmt | |
4. Prep & Readiness | |
5. State Natl Guard | |
6. Helo&Aqua Rescue | |
7. Civil Air Patrol | |
8. Craven County | |
9. NC St Hwy Patrol | |
3. New Bern NC | |
1. NewBern Services | |
2. NewBern Interop | |
3. NewBern Fire/EMS | |
4. NewBern Police | |
5. CarolinaE Health |
Thanks for this, it's very thorough, exactly what I need as a beginner to get up to speed.See if this helps!
Easier to Read BCD996P2/XT Digital Scanner Manual
FreeScan Software and Go Onto Facebook And Uniden Bearcat Scanner Group (Dan Bowman) Group Expert.Rookie owner, been trying to understand how to program to scan. Played with the freescan software but still totally confused. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
The linked Freescan user guide contains a link that is not workingSince you are a Premium Subscriber, you can use FreeSCAN to import systems & their related information into a programming file on your PC.
There is a user guide for FreeSCAN in the Wiki:
FreeScan User Guide - The RadioReference Wiki
ProScan has many more features than FreeSCAN, and can also import directly from the RadioReference database. However, FreeSCAN can handle what's in the database for your county.
Craven County, North Carolina (NC) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Craven County, North Carolina (NC)www.radioreference.com
While there are a couple of talkgroups on the statewide system, Viper, for the county Sheriff's department & county fire, it appears that most of the agencies use conventional channels, not a trunked system.
At 3:20 after entering your location you show all of the "Available Systems", where can we read about all of them to see which ones we want? My tendency would be to download all of them for my location, but I'd like to research that. Also if we do want frequencies from more than one system, do we have to do each download then scanner install separately for each individual system?
The linked Freescan user guide contains a link that is not workingSince you are a Premium Subscriber, you can use FreeSCAN to import systems & their related information into a programming file on your PC.
There is a user guide for FreeSCAN in the Wiki:
FreeScan User Guide - The RadioReference Wiki
ProScan has many more features than FreeSCAN, and can also import directly from the RadioReference database. However, FreeSCAN can handle what's in the database for your county.
Craven County, North Carolina (NC) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Craven County, North Carolina (NC)www.radioreference.com
While there are a couple of talkgroups on the statewide system, Viper, for the county Sheriff's department & county fire, it appears that most of the agencies use conventional channels, not a trunked system.
It is now repaired.The linked Freescan user guide contains a link that is not working
> (A paid subscription to RadioReference is required to use the following features: )
Good to know, thanks. Would you mind summarizing the features you like better in Proscan? I'll look for YT videos about it as well.Proscan is a much better app for programming, still supported with regular updates & its developer is an active & responsive member here on the forums. Freescan abandoned their project back in 2015 so thus support for the 996P2 is "experimental" as noted on their website.
Personally, I like Proscan over Freescan, for a number of reasons.Good to know, thanks. Would you mind summarizing the features you like better in Proscan? I'll look for YT videos about it as well.
High praise. I'll have to find videos on how to use it to appreciate what it offers. Thank you.Personally, I like Proscan over Freescan, for a number of reasons.
1. Proscan still has developer support, whereas. The developer of Freescan pretty much went AWOL years ago.
2. Proscan supports more scanner models, than Freescan ever did.
3. The $50 price tag of Proscan, that some people whine about. To me, 'is a drop in the bucket'. Just because Freescan is free, it doesn't anywhere near, the number of features that Proscan has.
4. Freescan is like a Volkswagen Beetle.Proscan is like a $2.5M Bugatti Veyron Super Sport.
Did you try the FreeSCAN file in post #10? You will see what needs to be entered. Your scanner will be in business after uploading the file.Played with the freescan software but still totally confused. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.