HP-1 In Virginia

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Active Member
Apr 28, 2002
Do any of the RR regulars in VA have the HP-1 yet? I've been working with one for a couple of weeks now. Had a good road test today with a GPS and was really impressed with how well it added and deleted local frequencies and systems automatically.

I had noticed that the SE area of VA needed some GeoTagging of various systems and talkgroups so that the radio operated properly. I was curious if anyone else was using one and was noticing or submitting geo-tag updating for their area as well. I am going to try to take a trip to the Richmond area to see how well it handles the Henrico and Hanover systems. I also want to try to get into more of the rural areas of Southampton and Sussex areas to see how well it handles some of the conventional VHF comms.

My thanks to Dave (dtscho) and the rest of the database admins who have done a really fine job of making many updates so quickly, not to mention the time they are putting in to make the DB more complete.




Oct 21, 2003
STARS on Home Patrol

Just reviewing the Home Patrol web site. It indicates a long listing of STARS talk groups. Has anyone used it and monitored STARS VHF digital? If so what kind of trunk group information is displayed. A lot of you have documented a lot of detailed network information on STARS with other scanners, I wonder if that same information can be extracted with the Home Patrol? Thanks.


Apr 22, 2005
I don't know of any users in VA, but I look forward to your findings, especially on STARS and around the Richmond area.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2002
I have the HP-1. It works well on Stars. The only issue that I have found (not a complaint mind you) with is that if you live in an area that can receive multiple site, it will scan each of them. You can physically "avoid" sites that you don't want the HP-1 to check (if you are in a static loction) but its an extra step to do so. Otherwise what happens is that it will check each site and scan any of the talk group categories you have turned on. This can be 1-3 second cycle time for each site depending on how many services you want to scan (Law Dispatch, Law Tac, Law Talk, Multidispatch, Interop, etc). From my home I fall into an area that automatically turns on 3 sites when the HP-1 powers up. I found that I was missing conversations. I had to "avoid" two of the sites and keep the site closest to me active. The cycle time greatly improved and I was catching all the conversations.

Again, this is not a complaint - it was designed that way and functionally it is doing exactly what it should be doing. However it just needs be tweaked a bit to fit my listening needs.

I think the receive is superb. The information shown is the talk group ID alpha tags as you see them in the Radio Reference database.

I should also mention that using the HP-1 in a mobile environment is really sweet. Mate this up with a GPS and you will have virtually hands-free scanning since the HP-1 automatically turns on and off agencies as you drive. No more having to fumble with turning on and off banks or entering SKey's as you drive. Set it and forget it. This is by far the best feature in my opinion, and the main reason's I purchased the HP-1.

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Jan 27, 2007
Richmond CITY, Virginia
database zip code locating errors

Seems database erronously assocates zip codes of Richmond CITY (such as 23219, 23220, 23224, 23225) as if in Richmond COUNTY (about 40 miles to North-East, which has zip code 22109), thus if using zip code option, HP-1 may have difficulty allowing customer to hear radio traffice local to Richmond CITY (such as Richmond City fire or police dispatch frequencies). Please try to verify and communicate need to correct database or programing error about zip code mis-locations.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2002
Hi Frank
I'm not familiar with the NUVI680. If it has a 9 pin serial-out cable and outputs NEMA format, you should be good. If it is USB, then no. I use a Garmin 18X-PC (little hockey puck GPS). I also have a GPS5 with a serial cable that works also. My choice is the 18X as it can me easily placed on the dash out of harms way. It is extremely fast when it initially is powered up and finds my location. Much faster that typical GPS units. You can find affordable units for sale on EBay.

I just got back from a good trip up to Baltimore. I took 95 up and came home via 50/13. It is so nice not needing to pre-program a portable or mobile scanner and then have to keep turning banks or systems on and off (let alone remembering what QKey was assigned to them). The HP-1 will select the city and counties automatically as you drive (with the GPS turn on of course). I was a little skeptical when the HP-1 first came out but it works extremely well and I have been very satisfied with this purchase. I don't use it for one of my home scanners due to the way I specifically program my radios with what I want to listen to. But when I am on the road, the HP-1 is the only scanner I use now.


Silent Key Jan. 14, 2012
May 11, 2002
Eclipse, Virginia
Thanks Randy, think I may go shopping for the 18X. Wish HP-1 had bluetooth my 680 does so may use both GPS's. One for cell phone and other for HP-1...need to order it also.

My trips that direction is to Wilmington. We travel to visit a granddaughter but always use eastern shore.

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