probably dumb question......on the squelch what is the best setting on the - + scale, all the way to + or the opposite? I am used to scanners with audible squelch.
probably dumb question......on the squelch what is the best setting on the - + scale, all the way to + or the opposite? I am used to scanners with audible squelch.
The squelch on the HP-1 works like any other squelch. You want to set it to the lowest point possible (-) until you just hear static, then turn it up one notch. The default setting is 2 orange bars, which seems to work well in my area. If you are in a particularly noisy RF environment, you may need to turn it up some, but I can't imagine that you would ever need to turn it all the way up to the maximum (+).
And remember, there are no "dumb questions", only dumb answers...