OK, good to hear.
Some groups are running on really tight budgets and will either buy old radios for their SAR teams, or want members to buy their own. Neither is a good solution, but sounds like you know that.
For admin use, and considering how much these radios are worth, I'd take that one offending radio and use it for spare parts. Repairing a radio that old is possible, but it might be hard to find a reputable shop that'll do it. Bench time runs close to or over a hundred bucks an hour, so it might be less expensive to just buy a new/old radio and let this one slip off into retirement.
Ya, if it were my call, I’d take it out of service. Unfortunately, I’m stuck with it until it won’t TX/RX. I have a system on my Harris programmed to match the 750, but I don’t officially have permission to do that so transmitting would technically be against FCC regulations. They would never know, but I don’t like the idea…
I do use my own radios for SAR, which is my choice and not SOP, but I have them aligned annually and maintained by my Harris dealer. I don’t take shortcuts with that stuff! I actually supplement the SAR comms options quite nicely with the Tait TB9100, and one of the XG100Ms having the Pyramid SVR250. I just had WIA coordinate the VHF repeater pair so I’ll have that pair, two VHF simplex channels (one will be for the SVR), plus a couple of UHF simplex and a VHF and UHF state-wide itinerate.
I just need an intermod panel for the repeater and I’ll be really solid. I licensed everything (except the itinerates) MO6 and FB6 with talkaround, so I’m extra legit with allowing use of the equipment for “non-internal company use”.