I-70 Across Kansas

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Oct 1, 2004
Kansas City
Planning to do my semi annual trek from KC to central Colorado.

I have a 780 that does not recieve digital - So no colorado comms for me as I know it is all P-25 - I have usually tuned in KHP on the 800 non-trunked system. Is this still in use on I-70? I have also noticed the decline of CB comms over the years. I have heard that many trucks are using VHF ham's?

After doing a fair amount of reading - It looks like the p-25 build out is starting in the south east and working out from there...I think??

So, my question(s) - what freq's are KHP currently using for I-70? Is the RR database still a good source?
How about the truckers?? I used to love listening to the CB!!
Anything you can provide to break up the long drive would be helpful!!

Thanks in advance!!


May 25, 2003
Salina KS
Have a good trip.

chrisnigro said:
Planning to do my semi annual trek from KC to central Colorado.

I have a 780 that does not recieve digital - So no colorado comms for me as I know it is all P-25 - I have usually tuned in KHP on the 800 non-trunked system. Is this still in use on I-70? I have also noticed the decline of CB comms over the years. I have heard that many trucks are using VHF ham's?

After doing a fair amount of reading - It looks like the p-25 build out is starting in the south east and working out from there...I think??

So, my question(s) - what freq's are KHP currently using for I-70? Is the RR database still a good source?
How about the truckers?? I used to love listening to the CB!!
Anything you can provide to break up the long drive would be helpful!!

Thanks in advance!!

Don't know anything about truckers and radio's. The KS RR data base is still good. If you want something to break up the long drive be sure to load the KS EMS 800 numbers. They are used by KHP troopers as a private talk net. Usually not much important stuff but is always fun to listen to.

What part of CO will you be in. Although the state system will not work in your unit. The Denver Metro area and much of the front range can be scanned by your scanner.


Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
The digital is in place from about Miami and Lynn counties west to Osage on south. I think the rest is still running the regular analog tower assignments listed in the base.

I found that the trucks stll run CB primarily. You hear FRS stuff a bit from other motorists but CB is still really active, especially when there's an accident or construction.

I think there is a place in Belton, MO and maybe Harrisonville that sell the 96 and 2096 digital scanners. I had a bad experience with RadioShack online but if you want one fast for a trip those local stores may be the way to go.



Hoi Polloi
Premium Subscriber
Jan 9, 2001
FWIW, I travel to Wichita every couple of weeks and listen to KHP's conventional 800 on my 780 the whole way. The info on KHP here is great, PLs and all.

If you are within 30 miles or so of Denver you should be able to listen to Denver, Aurora, Lakewood, West Metro Fire, Wheatridge, Westminster and Arvada. They all use Analog EDACS systems. All of Boulder county is on conventional VHF, plus there are still some P25 systems simulcasting on VHF in the Metro area as well. Also, Colorado State Patrol uses 154.905 (156.7 PL) for comms with dispatch if they can't be established on DTRS and also for speed enforcement ops. In addition, if you are near the Metro area, you may hear traffic on 460.425 (CLEER) for BOLOs, Mutual Aid, etc.

Check the Colorado dB, have a safe trip and happy scanning!
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