I Am Having Second Thought About My Decision to Buy a PSR-600 ** Caution Rant Follows

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Nov 12, 2010
Greenfield, Indiana USA
After a lot of research, last December I decided to buy a PSR-600. Part of my research and decision was based on the idea that I could write software (something I do for fun and profit but mostly fun). Prior to buying the PSR-600 I downloaded the manual and noted the following:

GRE provides Memory File Format, CCDump Protocol, PC/IF Clone
Remote Control Protocol Specifications
"Specifications") AS IS for the convenience of scanning hobbyists
and programmers who wish to develop software applications for use
with the PSR-600. Use of the Specifications shall be AT YOUR OWN
RISK. GRE does not provide Memory File Format, CCDump
Protocol, PC/IF Clone Protocol and Remote Control Protocol
technical support. Should you require assistance with the
Specifications, we encourage you to visit one of the many PSR-600
User Group forums on the Internet. By using the Specifications, you
agree to these terms.

In January I emailed GRECOM inquiring how to obtain these protocols. I received an email response that somebody would contact me (via phone) to discuss my request. I never received a call and contacted them again by email. The response was that they were busy at the CES and would contact me when they returned. Again I never received a call. Last week I sent another inquiry this time through their WEB technical support and received an email reply to call them to discuss the request. I called them and explained what I wanted and was told that they did not give the protocols to people who programmed for a hobby or for publishing freeware. I asked about what the manual said and the representative said that the manual was printed before they decided not to release the information. He then said that someone would give me a call back to further discuss this. This was on Monday (3/14), I have yet to hear from anyone. If this is how they treat someone who purchased an expensive product I am starting to regret my decision. You would think they would want people to develop applications for their products.

So what are your thoughts and/or flames ;)


Apr 30, 2005
After a lot of research, last December I decided to buy a PSR-600. Part of my research and decision was based on the idea that I could write software (something I do for fun and profit but mostly fun). Prior to buying the PSR-600 I downloaded the manual and noted the following:

GRE provides Memory File Format, CCDump Protocol, PC/IF Clone
Remote Control Protocol Specifications
"Specifications") AS IS for the convenience of scanning hobbyists
and programmers who wish to develop software applications for use
with the PSR-600. Use of the Specifications shall be AT YOUR OWN
RISK. GRE does not provide Memory File Format, CCDump
Protocol, PC/IF Clone Protocol and Remote Control Protocol
technical support. Should you require assistance with the
Specifications, we encourage you to visit one of the many PSR-600
User Group forums on the Internet. By using the Specifications, you
agree to these terms.

In January I emailed GRECOM inquiring how to obtain these protocols. I received an email response that somebody would contact me (via phone) to discuss my request. I never received a call and contacted them again by email. The response was that they were busy at the CES and would contact me when they returned. Again I never received a call. Last week I sent another inquiry this time through their WEB technical support and received an email reply to call them to discuss the request. I called them and explained what I wanted and was told that they did not give the protocols to people who programmed for a hobby or for publishing freeware. I asked about what the manual said and the representative said that the manual was printed before they decided not to release the information. He then said that someone would give me a call back to further discuss this. This was on Monday (3/14), I have yet to hear from anyone. If this is how they treat someone who purchased an expensive product I am starting to regret my decision. You would think they would want people to develop applications for their products.

So what are your thoughts and/or flames ;)

The Remote Control Protocol and the CCDump Protocol are included in Appendix A and Appendix B respectively in my PSR 600 Owners Manual.



Nov 12, 2010
Greenfield, Indiana USA
The Remote Control Protocol and the CCDump Protocol are included in Appendix A and Appendix B respectively in my PSR 600 Owners Manual.

True but I also want to program for the clone/memory featuees. While there are a couple of good programs on the market (I purchased one and it is very good) I would still like to be able to make my own. Also the remote and CCDump protocol is not very detailed. I had to do a lot of trial and error to program the remote (i.e. they don't have any information on what the data is for the various modes).

My biggest rant is that the manual (that I read before making my decision to purchase) says that the protocols are available for the hobbyist and now GRE is saying not.


Apr 3, 2005
The north shore of Lake Erie. The Great Lake that
Have you asked more than once and were you direct, specific, polite and reasonable when asking for the information you need?

It has been my experience that sometimes not all customer/technical service people are on the same page when it comes to policy. Sometimes it can be a matter of patience and calling a few times so that you can reach a different agent or perhaps the same one on a “better” day. I use to have to do this all the time when I worked for a company that prototyped new products and software. We were a small company usually dealing with much larger companies. If my partner called a company, that we had no relationship with, to get information we needed, invariably he would fail. Somehow he would say something to put the person he was dealing with on guard or get their back up. I would wait a couple days, call back and generally succeed where he failed. When I ran into this kind of problem, I gave a lot of thought to my approach before making contact. You would be amazed at the cooperation I got from time to time. Without misrepresenting myself, I sometimes was successful in having expensive product development kits sent to me at no charge.

Carrying frustration and anger going in to a conversation is not going to help your cause. Whether you think they should provide you with the information you want, or that you are entitled to it is not going to get you very far. They hold and own the information that you seek. It is up to them to provide it or not. Your goal is to make the person you are dealing with want to give you what you are asking for.

There are some good software products developed for the PSR600. I wonder how those individuals got the details they needed?


Nov 12, 2010
Greenfield, Indiana USA
Yes I was polite and reasonable. I believe the person I talked to was the sales manager (the same person who I corresponded with on email back in January). I just get the feeling that both times I was "blown off".

It's really a shame.

I do like the receiver.

I guess the hobbyist is just not important to them.


Jul 15, 2009
Why are you discussing technical issues with someone in sales? Get in touch with support and you will most likely do better there.


Nov 12, 2010
Greenfield, Indiana USA
Because he is the one who answered the email and the phone. In most companies the sales, department is who determines what product, parts, and documentation is made available. Also this is not necessarily a technical issue as much as it is a policy one.


Silent Key Jan. 14, 2012
May 11, 2002
Eclipse, Virginia
After a lot of research, last December I decided to buy a PSR-600. Part of my research and decision was based on the idea that I could write software (something I do for fun and profit but mostly fun). Prior to buying the PSR-600 I downloaded the manual and noted the following:

Hope you do and it's free.We need a easy to use software package.


Nov 12, 2010
Greenfield, Indiana USA
Ok, here is a quote from my telephone conversation. (Not word for word but represents the dialog)

Me: I want to develop some programs for the PSR-600. These will be mostly for my own use but I may publish them as freeware.

GRE: We don't typically give the protocol to developers for freeware.


Silent Key Jan. 14, 2012
May 11, 2002
Eclipse, Virginia
Ok, here is a quote from my telephone conversation. (Not word for word but represents the dialog)

Me: I want to develop some programs for the PSR-600. These will be mostly for my own use but I may publish them as freeware.

GRE: We don't typically give the protocol to developers for freeware.
Not arguing with your discussions with GRE--just letting Mark know you also have motivation to publish software.

As stated by dugan, at least 5 others have received protocol details. Of course, it helps if you live near 94002. ;)


Nov 12, 2010
Greenfield, Indiana USA
As I said earlier, my rant is not so much the decision not to release the protocol to the hobbyist as much as:
1. My decision to buy the GRE was influenced (although not totally) by the statements in the manual
2. The feeling that I am being ignored

BTW The "for profit" statement references software I have developed for my employers over the years. I have never published software for commercial profit, although that may be an option someday. Most all of my development at home has been for my enjoyment and I do plan on sharing some of it.


Silent Key Jan. 14, 2012
May 11, 2002
Eclipse, Virginia
Ok, " I do for fun and profit but mostly fun" I'll strike out the word profit from my limited brain.:)


Jul 3, 2007
Spencer IN
I have been programing Pro-106/197 scanners by hand for people here in Owen County.My biggest problem is that I have tried all of the demo versions of win500,butel and others they all have timed out a long time ago.I finaly have the RS 20-047 cable (it belongs to ono of my friends) but no software.That's why I'm looking for free software.GRE says they don't have enough interest for them to develop any software.



Apr 3, 2005
The north shore of Lake Erie. The Great Lake that
Thread: I Am Having Second Thought About My Decision to Buy a PSR-600 ** Caution Rant

I have been programing Pro-106/197 scanners by hand for people here in Owen County.My biggest problem is that I have tried all of the demo versions of win500,butel and others they all have timed out a long time ago.I finaly have the RS 20-047 cable (it belongs to ono of my friends) but no software.That's why I'm looking for free software.GRE says they don't have enough interest for them to develop any software.


Freeware is nice, but I don’t remember having to pay all that much for Win500 and I couldn’t be happier. If you have been programming for friends, why don’t you save yourself some time, pay for the software, buy the cable, and charge your friends accordingly.



Sep 20, 2007
Shelby Twp., MI
I am also a programmer. I have completely abandon the Windows OS and I only use OS X and Linux. This means I can no longer buy Japanese Radios because of their closed specifications for computer interface. When I was at the Hamcation in Florida this year, I told the GRE Rep that I do not buy products that require the Windows OS for a computer interface. The GRE Rep did give me a free hat for talking to him.

Do Japanese Radio Companies charge Windows Software Developers for interface specifications and the right to sell software for their radios?


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
I have been programing Pro-106/197 scanners by hand for people here in Owen County.My biggest problem is that I have tried all of the demo versions of win500,butel and others they all have timed out a long time ago.I finaly have the RS 20-047 cable (it belongs to ono of my friends) but no software.That's why I'm looking for free software.GRE says they don't have enough interest for them to develop any software.


The big reason is I need every spare dollar to live on.


I've read a few posts from you where you talk about this "dilemma" of yours. While I can't pretend to know your financial situation at home, nor is it any of my business, what I don't understand is why you don't charge these people a fair, small fee to cover the cost of the software? $5 or $10 a person would pay for Win500 or PSREdit500 rather quickly. It's admirable being the "nice guy" who programs people's scanners for free, but at some point sitting there hammering away at the keys for hours on end is just ridiculous.
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