I don't understand Group quick keys...

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Jul 29, 2007
SW Ohio
I don't understand group quick keys. (246 w/ Arc246 SW).

OK...so my set up is basically by County...I have the trunked systems in a seperate system, and the few conventional departments within a trunked "county" I have a seperate system yet linked by a system quick key. EX: County A has an EDACS system...county A also has some conventional stuff that I set up as a system, and have all of the above under System Quick Key 1...so I can turn it on and off at the touch of a button.

When I was setting this up, the local airport has some traffic in the conventional realm of county "A" and I set up the "air" stuff with a group quick key of "0"...my intention was to have all air traffic (DHL, local airports, and MedFlights) in a system QK so I can turn it on and off with one button. Can I only do this at the Group level? Are the group quick keys ONLY accesable within a certain System...i.e. there is a "group 0" in each system, and they can only be accessed while IN that system? E.G.: is there a System 1 Group 0 and a System 2 Group 0 that are not connected?

Is there a way roll "types" of transmissions into a System quick key?

If it sounds like I'm confused it's because I am.

Thanks. :(



Dec 31, 2005
Germantown, TN
You are correct, "group 0" will exist in how ever many systems you create a "group 0". To turn the quick key on / off, you have to be in that system. For example, press and hold the function button, scroll to the system, then press 0. That will turn "group 0" off in the system you are interested in.

It sounds like you want to take the air traffic and create a new conventional system and assign it a new system quick key. Then you don't have to worry about scrolling to the correct system to turn a group it on / off. You just have to press the system quick key number assigned to the air traffic system.

Does that make sense? Hopefully it helps some.



Oct 1, 2006
Irvine, KY
I'm in the same boat as you Kevin.

I have a 396T, which operates ont he same principle, and I'm just beginning to get the hang of mine.

It is to my understanding, Within a "System" are "Groups". A "Group" is like a "mini-bank" in the System. It's hard to look at Systems as "banks", but that's essentially what they are.

You can turn individual systems on and off, by pressing it's number on the keypad, and you can also turn individual groups within the system on and off by pressing FUNC and the numeric key of the group you want on/off. I have mine set up like this:

Aircraft - System 1

Civillian Air - Group 1
ARTCC's - Group 2
Military Air - Group 3
Lexington Airport - Group 4

So, essentially, by turning the "System" off, I can avoid scanning any of the aircraft frequencies I have programmed. Ok, say I'm at Lexington Airport, and I want to scan them ONLY? Then I would hold FUNC and press 1, 2, and 3. Which would turn off, the first 3 groups, leaving only group 4 to be scanned.

I know it's vague, but hopefully it'l help. :)


Jul 29, 2007
SW Ohio
Thanks to both of you...both explanations were very helpful. K's setup is how I'll probably do my Air bands.

Thanks again,



Jul 29, 2007
SW Ohio
What I did was set up an "Air" system (0) and added all of the conventional frequencies for local airports, med helos, etc as seperate groups. The DHL hub here is trunked, so I just set that system up under the same system quick key (0)

Now...for a specific Arc246 question...The only way I could figure out to build a conventional system with multiple "agencies" was to first download the conventional system, then copy and paste all of thefreqs into the larger conventional system I was building. E.G. - I wanted an "Air" system...to be able to populate that with various airports, helo agencies...etc...I seemed to have to download those distinct systems then copy and paste what I wanted into my larger gneric Air system, then organize the discreet groups as group quick keys. Is there an easier way?

It seems like I should be able to download multiple discreet systems into a larger one I'm building directly from the Internet (RR DB)...am I missing something, or is that just the way it is?


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