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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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I Need Help from the cb god's

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Feb 12, 2011
I'm running a Galaxy 44v in a 05 Freightliner Columbia day cab. When I first took the job i hooked the radio up to the factory coax and old antennas that were on the truck just to get by for awhile. After a week or two the radio developed a bad squeal. I bought a wilson 2000 and mounted it to the grab rail above the back window.also ran a 4 gauge ground strap from the mount to the muffler bracket that runs to the frame of the truck. The radio is still squealing like a stuck hog, swr's were 3.5 so we started cuttin the whip. after taking about 1 1/2 inches off the swrs are only down to 3 on 1,20,and 40. we stopped cutting because it didnt seem like we were gaining much ground on the swrs and the radio was still squealing...we took the radio out of my truck and hooked it up in a different truck (same yr,make and model) the radio worked fine...no squeal....put it back in my truck ....yep still squealing.


Jan 13, 2004
warren michigan
Sounds like it could be a Bad ground to antenna or radio check that first .run a ground wire from the antenna to the frame .Those truck have non metal doors and rubber mounted cabs so its a big issue with grounding .
Ive had issues for years with the Mack R D I drive


Aug 17, 2008
Running a wire from the antenna to a ground on the frame will do you NO good. There is a VAST difference between electrical ground and RF ground. Running a wire is an old wives tale.

Your problem is the SWR. 3:1 is completely unacceptable. Your radio will not put out full power. And because of the bad SWR, you are getting RF back into your radio and causing the squeal.

You really need to get your antenna onto a decent grounplane (not a wire to the frame). The grab handles are the worst options. Look at your roof, your hood, ANYWHERE that there is metal. If that is not possible, look for an antenna that does not need a groundplane. A 1/2 wave is ground independent and is common for fiberglass trucks.

Give this a read. It is targeted towards ham radio folks, but it applies just the same to CBs.

Antenna Problems

Antenna Mounts <---- Read up on "far removed groundplanes".

Hope this helps,



Jun 13, 2006
Athens, Ga
Do you have...

A quallcom, or other annoying gadgets that might interfere on any channel? Maybe some electronic sensor?


Feb 12, 2011
Still having this problem? If so, let me know, I may be able to help.

I backed off the rf gain and mic gain..that took care of the squeal for the most part..I'm not able to get the swr's under 2.5...i'm guessing that's because of the poor ground..so basically it's tolerable but it's not working at its full potential. I'm still open to any ideas.. Thanks


Dec 28, 2005
Havelock, NC
rf gain is only your receive. id venture to say you wont get out much further than across the street with the noise when skips clouding the band.

start saving for a new radio. or repairs at the very least, it will only take the abuse from the high swr for so long. If your unable to utilize a suitable ground plane, look for a firestick antenna.

CATALOG Main Page (Frame Setup)

can likely be found alittle cheaper on amazon or something of the same. just make sure your buying a whole kit. you cant mix and match brackets and coax with these antennas. Select a lenght to suit your clearance restrictions.
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Feb 12, 2011
rf gain is only your receive. id venture to say you wont get out much further than across the street with the noise when skips clouding the band.

start saving for a new radio. or repairs at the very least, it will only take the abuse from the high swr for so long. If your unable to utilize a suitable ground plane, look for a firestick antenna.

CATALOG Main Page (Frame Setup)

can likely be found alittle cheaper on amazon or something of the same. just make sure your buying a whole kit. you cant mix and match brackets and coax with these antennas. Select a lenght to suit your clearance restrictions.

I guess i don't understand...i have a brand new antenna.. what good is a firestick gonna do if i supposedly dont have a good ground...isnt there sumthing out there that will hook up to my wilson that will act like a ground....?


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Jan 29, 2006
I guess i don't understand...i have a brand new antenna.. what good is a firestick gonna do if i supposedly dont have a good ground...isnt there sumthing out there that will hook up to my wilson that will act like a ground....?

Ummm,leave your wilson on the curb? Then it's grounded.
....Sorry! :lol:



Oct 14, 2010
Worcester, MA, USA
A "ground" is not necessarily the same as a "ground-plane". CB antennas need what's known as a counterpoise - a flat metal surface for the 'bottom half' of the wave to reflect from. Unless you want an 18 foot tall whip you need antennas with coils to shorten them and a ground-plane to provide the 'other half' of the waveform.

On a vehicle with a metal roof, the best place to put the antenna is the center of the roof. On a vehicle without a good ground-plane (like a fiberglass boat or truck with a fiberglass cab roof or sleeper) you must use a non-ground-plane type of antenna or it simply will not work properly. You cannot get good SWRs when you use the wrong type antenna or improperly mount the correct antenna (mounting a ground-plane antenna on a mirror for example).

Find a reputable dealer who knows what he's talking about. Stop cutting the damned antenna down. Remember the old saying "I cut this board 3 times and it's still too short". Well, that's what you're doing with your present antenna. It's either the wrong antenna, mounted on the wrong place, or already way too short.
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