Wire dipole fed with 50ohm coax.
Get you some speaker hookup wire (zip cord type) 16 or 14 gauge should be good. Take about 40 feet of the wire off the spool and cut it. Now take the zip cord you have cut and separate it into two wires. You should have two wires 40 feet long for a total of 80 feet. To figure out where your antenna will be resonate at use this formula. 468/freq in mhz. the / is divided.
So 468/6 (mhz) = 78 (feet)
Anyhow 80 feet will get you pretty much in the ballpark for SWL listening, and ham/military etc.
Go to the hardware store and buy a piece of schedule 40 or 80 PVC pipe, about maybe 1/2 inch thick, and maybe 1" in diameter. Get a piece that is about 2 feet long (2 foot should do it) You'll want to get a screw in eyelet screw too... You'll need a drill as well.
What you'll do is first make the center-point for the antenna. Take the PVC and cut a piece off about 3 to 4 inches long. Now, take the eyelet screw and screw it into the surface of that 4" piece (this eyelet will provide the support tiedown or hoisting rope to your mast or tree limb etc.)
Take a drill, and on each end of the 4" piece drill a hole through both ends. Be sure and make the holes align up with where you screwed the eyelet in. These screw holes will be where your attach your wire and coax.
Take one end of the dipole (40 foot wire) and strip about 3" of the cover off and twist the braided wire into one solid piece. Place the uncovered wire through one side of the 4" pvc center-point. And then twist the wire back into itself making a loop through the holes you drilled. Do the same thing to the other side of the centerpoint with the other 40foot wire.
Now take your coax, 50 or 75 ohm. You'll need to strip the covering off about 6 or 8 inches. And then carefully upbraid the braided shielding. Try not to break any of them if you can. This will be a little time consuming, just take your time until you have all 6-8 inches upbraided. Once upbraided twist it into one solid piece of wire. Now take your knife exacto or whatever you have and cut into the dielectric leaving about an inch or so exposed so that you have something to keep the center conductor and braided wire separate. Once you've removed the dielectric from the center conductor, take the braided part and put it through one end of the hole of the centerpoint, and then you'll want to twist it all to the wire's exposed wire. twist it all together, and then solder it on. Do the same for the center conductor end of the coax, put it through the other side of the centerpoints hole and twist it all onto the wire. Solder it all together if you have a gun or iron and solder.
Now take the remaining PVC you have, and cut two pieces about 2 or 3 inches long. Drill holes into both ends of both pieces you've just cut. These will act as END INSULATORS. Take the other end of each wire dipole and run the end of the wire into one of the holes of the end insulator and twist it on so it stays in. Do this to both ends of the antenna wire. Now you'll use rope or twine or clothes line or whatever you have to tie off the ends to tree branch or house or some other structure.
Take some rope or clothes line or rope and tie an end into the eyelet on the center point, and take the other end of the rope and put it up a tree limb or mast etc. and hoist the center point up it...
take the ends of the wire with the end insulators and rope and tie off to support... The best thing would be to run the wires in opposite directions from each other. Don't run them close to each other. 45 degree angle would be ok too. Making an inverted V.