SIGINT lesson follows.-- The freq indicates this is an aircraft use. KSLC indicates this is associated with the Salt Lake International Airport. The thermometer indicates this is temperature related. Term ICEMAN indicates (possibly) Ice related. --End lesson.
ICEMAN Ops is the controller for the DE-Icing pads out at the big Airport. In the past, the aircraft would receive the ICEMAN freq from GND CNTL, and ICEMAN would tell them witch pad to go to, and the freq for that pad. There are 2 different De-Icing locations and several pads at each location. The pilot tells the pad coordinator what he/she wants de-iced. Each year, the freqs have changed, so..... With the construction going on out there, I don't know what changes will occur. This is all low power, so reception outside the airport is often tricky.
Good question.