IC-R30 finally arrived on 9/29 as I figured...three days late even though shipped using USPS Priority. If I find a few more of these for $400 I am going to buy them. I'll keep one or two scanners to handle DMR & trunking, but this thing is nice. I haven't tried D-Star with it, but P25 sounds great plus HF as well even with a small passive loop. Menus, programming and editing direct on the radio are also painless. Of course many of you already know this.
- The receiver on this thing works very well. No overload, but the filters are inline on the coax for other stuff. I'll need to try without, but this does RX better and in some cases where nothing is heard on scanners. (This is what I figured and I'm glad it is doing the job) I also use an Original Miracle Whip IL Ducker tuner (the BNC one), with passive loops and wires for HF stuff. I'm basically using it as a preselector.
- The CS-30 software came with the purchase, but I opted for RTS. Extremely easy to import from Kenwood D74A, as well as add even more and perform mass editing of options all-at-once. Importing things I don't have from RadioReference via RTS is crazy easy.
- Waiting for the case to arrive on Tuesday. I expect I will use this receiver often and may as well protect it to some degree.
- I also purchased a micro USB angle adapter. The handhelds are side-by-side on a stand and fighting for space.
- I tested charging/direct power using a 3A USB battery that pushes out 5v. Small size, cost and performance vs. an OEM battery or the AA battery pack made it an easy choice ($8 vs. $120), plus I already had it.