I'm looking for some opinions on these three receivers.
I already have a new Uniden BCD 396T for scanning digital
and analog trunked systems.Now I'm looking for a Wide Band
handheld receiver and have narrowed it down to the 3 listed
in the title.I've searched around the web and have read
reviews and user opinions on all three,but have not found many
side by side comparisons of them.
Right now I'm kind of leaning towards the R20,seems to have
alot of the features I want built in, unlike the 8200 where you need
to spend extra for addons that you can only use one at a time.
I also like some of the "gadgets" included on the DJ-X2000,
such as the Flash Tune and Voice descrambler.I know of a couple
of local frequencies that still use the old voice inversion so that
descrambler might come in handy.Also the Alinco has the edge when
it comes to memory capacity.
So if I would have to rank them by which one I think I will be purchasing first.It would go
1.Icom R20
2.Alinco DJ-X2000
3.AOR AR8200 MK3
Still,if anyone has owned all three or even just one of these receivers,
I would like to get you opinion before I decide on which one to go with.
I'm looking for some opinions on these three receivers.
I already have a new Uniden BCD 396T for scanning digital
and analog trunked systems.Now I'm looking for a Wide Band
handheld receiver and have narrowed it down to the 3 listed
in the title.I've searched around the web and have read
reviews and user opinions on all three,but have not found many
side by side comparisons of them.
Right now I'm kind of leaning towards the R20,seems to have
alot of the features I want built in, unlike the 8200 where you need
to spend extra for addons that you can only use one at a time.
I also like some of the "gadgets" included on the DJ-X2000,
such as the Flash Tune and Voice descrambler.I know of a couple
of local frequencies that still use the old voice inversion so that
descrambler might come in handy.Also the Alinco has the edge when
it comes to memory capacity.
So if I would have to rank them by which one I think I will be purchasing first.It would go
1.Icom R20
2.Alinco DJ-X2000
3.AOR AR8200 MK3
Still,if anyone has owned all three or even just one of these receivers,
I would like to get you opinion before I decide on which one to go with.