We better use english, others might be interested and I believe it is required by the forum rules.
I have used Remoterig 1258 with PCR2500 for some years, connected to a professional 4-stacked 400Mhz antenna and a 2-stacked VHF and monitoring using the diversity function. It worked great. Now I have it connected to a freinds home out on the country to a Uniden BCT15 and works great there as well as he is some 50m above sea level and I am at sea level, even though he is twice the distance from the transmitters I am monitoring.
Great product but expensive. I am on limited data amount each month and the remote rig use almost no data, compared to webrowser streaming and similar programs.
The Remoterig box emits some stray RF and I need to use cat7 double shielded network cable to get rid of it. When initially testing out the boxes when I got them 10 years ago I didn't notice any changes in sensitivity or squelch settings, only the interference on some frequencies, especially in the 79Mhz range. The squelch in PCR2500 are one of the best I have experianced it has a perfect balanced hysteres and the setting doesn't need any changes when switching between different frequency bands. It also seems to be an excellent receiver, almost like a professional radio. I've never heard any interferenceis that wasn't actually in the air and it never overloads even if I feed it with a 20dB gain amplifier.