It is likely a Spectra or Syntor X9000. Look at the shelf unit, if it has a large rectangular connector on the front for the control head with the power cables integrated into the large connector (which screws down with a large thumb bolt) then it is likely a X9000.
If it has a smaller DB25 style connector that connects in the center of the handle then it is likely a high power Spectra.
The X9000 is pretty much worthless except to select buyers due to the age and need to run an old DOS application (actually separate programming for the head and shelf units!) for programming, using a unique cable. If it is a Spectra then there would be a larger market for it since it uses an easier program to use for programming but is still limited in value since you can do just about everything with a $600 CDM1250 that you could do with the Spectra and more if 50 watts will work for you.
In used condition the Spectra might be worth $50 at a hamfest if it includes the complete cable, slightly more if it has options like a siren or PA. Since it is VHF it is unlikely to include digital, but if it is a digital Spectra then it would be worth more.
The Syntor X9000 might be tough to give away these days unless you find a collector or someone restoring a police or fire vehicle from the 1980's. You might also find someone that needs it for a parts source to help keep an existing fleet working. I tossed out 25 of these radios years ago, I couldn't find anyone who wanted them. I did save and give away the cables and heads though to various folks since they are hard to find. I finally gave away the last of the parts 2 years ago. (I am on the second generation of replacements for these radios!)