I built this ferrite loop rod antenna with an AM tuning capacitor. It has 3 Chinese 110mm ferrite rods shrink wrapped together I used litz wire with the exception of the induction loop, I used 16 guage stranded copper wire (3 turns). I will say that I soldered in a jack to create an external antenna jack which this is plugged into. I'm having some high pitched squeals which reminds me of shortwave. What should I do to decrease the hf squeal? It does work pretty well for dxing, which makes me think I hooked it up correctly. I'm picking up 760 WJR from Detroit and 77wabc from NY, I believe. The closer stations still have the squeal (WSM 650 Nashville) even when they are loud and clear. My goal eventually for this antenna is to put it outside and connect coax cable to the loop to run it inside to the tuning capacitor along with another coax cable to the pickup coil, although I would have to get a rotor for it and waterproof it somehow, but for now, I'd like to stop the squeal.
There are 4 wires from the loop stick. I believe two go to the oscillator and the other goes to the built in loopstick pickup coil.
This is where I connected the external antenna:

There are 4 wires from the loop stick. I believe two go to the oscillator and the other goes to the built in loopstick pickup coil.

This is where I connected the external antenna: