• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

In Need of a Radio

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Mar 13, 2008
I am needing a commercial grade, narrow-band capable VHF radio for search and rescue. I am also a Ham and want to put repeaters and other simplex frequencies in to it so I can use it as a dual-purpose radio.

So far the radios I have seriously looked at are the MT2000, MTS2000, JT1000, and HT1250 (all with the full key pads and no LS or LS+ versions). I found the GP380 but after some research found it isn't type accepted in the US. Arguably, the JT1000 (or any other front-panel programmable radio) isn't either, but it would be a nice feature. The XTS2500 and up radios (with P25) would be really cool but I think they are out of my price range.

What other radios should I look in to?

Programming isn't a big issue, but it it is still an issue. Because the older radios require an old/slow computer to program I won't be able to easily have it programmed on the go. I can pile in the frequencies I forsee using (locally), but when traveling I won't have any way to plug in what I need unless I know ahead of time exactly what I will need (frequency, offset, and tone)

Some of the radios have a USB programming cable. My computers don't even have a normal COM port on them any more but I do have an adapter. Are there any other newer radios that will support windows Vista OS without getting sky high in price? I do not need digital, just narrow banding on VHF with a good alphaneumeric display.

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Jul 25, 2004
Unless you must have a Motorola, you might want to check out these Wouxun KG-UVD1P - KG-UV2D - KG-UV920R Mobile Transceiver that are generally sold to amateurs in the US, but are actually type certified by the FCC for commercial operation. You'll need to download the programming software to program them for non-ham use, but brand new for just over $100 is hard to beat. They even cover VHF-Hi and UHF with the same radio. While they're not as sturdy as a Motorola would be, you can replace it several times and still save some money.


Mar 13, 2008
I want to keep it Motorola. I am not too familiar with all of the models so I am not sure if the ones I listed above are the only ones realistically in my range or if there may be some lurkers out there in the woods I don't know about? If I can find an MT/MTS2000 for a good price that might be the way to go, but right now I would like to shoot for an HT1250 if I can find one. The MT/MTS2000 look like they are easier to come by though.


Jan 27, 2006
Melbourne VK
If price is an issue for you- then the MTS2000 is a great choice.
Very rugged and plenty of easily available accessories.
Just about any type of external microphone can be used, from a plain speaker mic to surveillance style kits and even bluetooth headsets.

We used the MTX838 version at work on 800Mhz for ten years. I have seen them dropped, kicked, used as hammers and thrown across the room and even run over by forklift!
They keep on going and going those Jedi series radios. We have sent them back for repair looking like they have been to war and they come back re-cased ready to be beaten up all over again.

Managed to get a near new MTS2000 Model III UHF (400-478Mhz) with battery for $75 a few weeks ago and the receiver in it is second to none.

I would steer clear of the GP380 or any of those crappy Waris series HT's, they are junk compared to the Saber and Jedi series.

If digital is what you need- then an XTS2500 with FPP is just great!

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Apr 4, 2004
I too would say go with a Jedi series radio. The MT/MTS2000's are excellent choices for heavy duty use. They are inexspensive and there are plenty for sale on ebay and various forums.The software is cheap (sometimes free) if you spend some time searching the internet.
I have bot the the MTS2000 and the HT1250.
The HT1250 does not seem as rugged as the Jedi's. However, its a very nice radio. It weighs less, is smaller in size, has a nicer display, more features, etc. The HT1250 will usually set you back at least three hundred bucks. The software is not as easy to find on the net without going through Motorola (big bucks).


Mar 13, 2008
The big reason for getting one of these radios for me is I need a type accepted radio for SAR - it will be along on the pack with a remote mic. Someone brought up a Sabre, but the size of it makes it unwieldy in the pack. The MT/MTS2000 and similar radios are a bit more manageable, but still nothing like a small ham HT. If we could mod our HT's and run those that would be great, but there isn't a good way around that one with a ham rig other than have everyone move to 2m simplex.

Are there any Lithium Ion batteries available for the MT/MTS2000 or HT1250? Or are all of them NiMh or NiCd? If so, do you need a special charger?


Mar 1, 2003
The big reason for getting one of these radios for me is I need a type accepted radio for SAR - it will be along on the pack with a remote mic. Someone brought up a Sabre, but the size of it makes it unwieldy in the pack. The MT/MTS2000 and similar radios are a bit more manageable, but still nothing like a small ham HT. If we could mod our HT's and run those that would be great, but there isn't a good way around that one with a ham rig other than have everyone move to 2m simplex.

Are there any Lithium Ion batteries available for the MT/MTS2000 or HT1250? Or are all of them NiMh or NiCd? If so, do you need a special charger?
The MT/MTS are great radios & quite rugged. Li ion batteries are available, but they must be charged with the Tri Chem charger which is good for all 3 types of batteries. Get the Jedi, & the $ you save by not buying the HT 1250 you use to get a cheap XP laptop with a serial port. I have both a 900 Jedi & Waris, & while the Waris is smaller, I feel the Jedi is more rugged. GARY N4KVE


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2005
Northern California, USA
Beware of where you buy..

I agree that the Jedi series is a good radio. In fact, I have purchased 4 UHF MT2000's from eBay, but now that I have them, I have discovered that they need to be serviced and there are very few independent radio repair companies, at least in my California area, that provide quality work and don’t charge more than the radio is worth to service them. The radio's I purchased were listed as "like new", but it turns out that just means the radios were “re-cased”. The electronics inside need work. So now I have 4 MT2000's that don’t see much use. Try to find a seller that will warranty the radio for at least 30 days and find out where the radio came from.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 18, 2007
I also recommend the Jedis and Sabers, but my personal favorite radio, and my daily carry, is my XTS5000.

Sure its a bit heavier and about double the price, but i really like the nice big display, loud and clear audio, mine is with FPP option so being able to program on the fly is a big deal for me as i travel quite a bit, CPS is a lot more user-friendly for me compared to RSS software.

Actually I'm now in the market for a XTS5000 UHF model to join my VHF model. (just wish i had the the money for an APX7000...._)


Premium Subscriber
Jan 18, 2007
btw - keep in mind these Jedi radios are fairly old, my advise to you if you decide to go that route is to either get one that recently got a new lcd, or keep in mind that your lcd might go out at any time. I have one JT1000 right now that needs a new lcd after owning it for only 2 months.


Jan 29, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
I have a HT1250 UHF I want to get rid of if you are still looking. I can also do any programming you need for it. Feel free to email me at ptfd13@hotmail if you are interested.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 17, 2010
since it has to be type accepted for SAR, you need one that is narrowband capable. this rules out many of the Jedi line, only the later models would do 12.5. after 2013 parts will be very hard to come by new as well, the radios are all out of guaranteed support now and OEM parts get scarcer daily.


May 26, 2010
The US of A
I purchased an MT2000 for the exact same usage needs several years ago and I wouldn't trade it for the world.. One of my cohorts just bought one off ebay yesterday with a new charger mic and antenna for 200 bucks.. I can't think of a better radio for your needs.
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