Sorry to be a killjoy or something, but I feel I have to pass on the same advice I was given when I asked a similar question a few years back..and it paid off in my mind, 3 + hurricanes later
Your idea could work, I have done something similar, for a temporary setup...If your only going to mount 1 small discone, you would likely be ok, I would try to keep it as close to the rooftop as possible so it doesnt catch so much wind, and I would steer away from adding more PVC or metal pipe to add height, as it could cause problems(sway, cracking of original pipe) And of course, as Gewecke said, make sure you ground it properly..
Now for the killjoy part

You really need to consider what its going to cost you to fix your roof, bathroom plumbing, attic insulation, ceilings, and maybe more if you snap that pipe, or tear part of your roof off, or who knows what would be better off to think of a more perminant solution, at least something attached to a less vital area of your home(chimney, deck, braces attached to side of house), or not attached at all. It may cost you some cash now, but better to pay a little now, than pay a whole bunch more, later..on something you could have avoided all together.