This subject was a bone of contention in the Amateur community when the idea was introduced being in most instances such operation is clearly in violation of the FCC Rules and Regulations. The EMCOM whackers have a nasty habit of ruffling feathers and this is a classic example, providing communications and/or communicating on behalf of an employer clearly violates the rule against operating for pecuniary interests.
All that aside, the worst possible reason to get a ham license is for jumping on the EMCOM bandwagon, emergency and health and welfare traffic is but a very small part of the hobby and service. It's putting the cart before the horse and worse, EMCOM is but a handcart hitched on behind the cart. When you have a 1hp motor hooked up backward you're in trouble, look at the bigger picture and the rest will follow as it should.
I know plenty of LEOs who are also hams and several cases where Amateur Radio facilities are colocated with emergency comm centers but they have their priorities straight. Perhaps a little discussion with the OEM will give you the proper perspective on how Amateurs fit in and how things are done.