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- Apr 14, 2005
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- 61
By luck I happened to be scanner listening sunday when a shooting occured at the Harrisburg Mall. Although th PD responded quickly and seemed to give it a good effort,there was no direct communication possible between Swatara Tp. PD, PSP, the Mall security, and Harrisburg city PD. Dauphin county politicos don't seem to take seriously the the need to intercommunicate between agencies. At various times during the incident, it was announced that Dauphin co. units were not equipped to operate on "national" to talk to PSP. How much would it cost the taxpayers of Dauphin co. to buy a couple hundred simple 155.475 trancievers to give to the PD to use in incidents such as this? Add that to PSP's antiquated simplex system still in use in Dau. co. thanks to open scam, what a joke! needless to say the shooters got away!