Was just looking around on the antenna farm website the other day at different antennas, and looked at these two.
This one is 20" tall and specifically claims 3dBi of gain on VHF,
This one is 22" tall and claims 2.14 dBi, not being specific as to what band.
All of the other multi-band antennas in this height range are usually unity gain on VHF and then have some gain on UHF which makes sense. Just wondering if this is a typo, marketing hype or if somehow they are really getting some gain out of a short antenna?
This one is 20" tall and specifically claims 3dBi of gain on VHF,
This one is 22" tall and claims 2.14 dBi, not being specific as to what band.
All of the other multi-band antennas in this height range are usually unity gain on VHF and then have some gain on UHF which makes sense. Just wondering if this is a typo, marketing hype or if somehow they are really getting some gain out of a short antenna?
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