Looking through some files I had saved on my computer, here is the planned Isanti fleetmap from a June, 2010 Radio Board meeting. It mentioned that Isanti County had 29 allocated talkgroups. The "Y" or "N" in each line represents whether or not it was available to dispatchers.
I'll add my guesses in red at the end of each line.
Isanti 911 Isanti 911 Y Never Encrypted
Isanti County Admin IS ADMIN Y Never Encrypted
Isanti County Fire IS CO FIRE Y Never Encrypted
Isanti Sheriff Admin 1 ISSO ADM 1 Y Never Encrypted
Dispatch (6014)
Isanti Sheriff Admin 2 ISSO ADM 2 Y Selectable Encrypted
Car-to-Car (6016)
Isanti Sheriff Admin 3 ISSO ADM 3 Y Selectable Encrypted
Isanti Co Jail IS JAIL N Never Encrypted
Isanti Tactical 3 IS TAC 3 Y Never Encrypted
Isanti Tactical 4 IS TAC 4 Y Never Encrypted
Isanti Tactical 5 IS TAC 5 Y Never Encrypted
Isanti Tactical 6 IS TAC 6 Y Never Encrypted
Isanti Roam IS Roam Y Never Encrypted
Isanti Patch IS PATCH Y Never Encrypted
Isanti Law Encrypt 1 IS LE TAC 1 N Always Encrypted
Isanti Law Encrypt 2 IS LE TAC 2 N Always Encrypted
Isanti Co Hwy Admin IS HWY ADM N Never Encrypted
Isanti Co Hwy Op 1 IS HWY OP1 N Never Encrypted
Braham Fire BR FD ADM N Selectable Encrypted
Braham Police BR PD ADM N Selectable Encrypted
Braham Public Works BR PW ADM N Never Encrypted
Cambridge Fire CM FD ADM N Selectable Encrypted
Cambridge Police CM PD ADM N Selectable Encrypted
Cambridge Public Works CM PW ADM N Never Encrypted
Cambridge Public Works OP 1 CM PW OP1 N Never Encrypted
Dalbo Fire DA FD ADM N Selectable Encrypted
Isanti Fire IS FD ADM N Selectable Encrypted
Isanti Police IS PD ADM N Selectable Encrypted
Isanti Public Works IS PW ADM N Never Encrypted
Isanti Public Works OP 1 IS PW OP1 N Never Encrypted
I'm surprised that they didn't list any Fire Tac channels or any Emergency Management Channels.
In that same report, there was this "preliminary layout of Isanti Fire Department's" radios: